Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "easyest"

And if I am using constants? Put code into constant and use javascript translation? Translate in .Select from IQueryable in application service? Create some kind of provider, as in feature provider?

Following the example in documentation, lets say my Personentity has Statusproperty, that can be one of Active, _Expired_or Blocked. First thing that comes into my head is to put that to enum and use Displayattribute. But then I realize, that in Angular I do not use html helpers and even if I would, I have no idea, how to translate those display names. On the other hand, constant string usage in Asp.Net Zero for me seems better than enums, as this way makes my database values look much better. But then there is a question - should I translate those constants in application service? In angular view? Any other place? So, the question - what way would You suggest and how this status should be translated after all?



What is the correct way to update existing projects when new version comes out? While there are no real product I can still delete everything, download new template and start over, but what should I do when I will have a real product?




In .sln file there is:

Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{BE80AEA7-9F1B-4B7A-A7A5-DB5BF75FCA2F}"
	ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
		WebEssentials2015-Settings.json = WebEssentials2015-Settings.json

But there is no such file in downloaded zip.


Dearh Halil,

Do You have intellisense working in Your ASP.NET Zero projects? What configuration should be done for intellisense to work? I know _references.js way, but as there is no such file in the solution, I understand there are another ways to enable intellisense for ASP.NET Zero solution. For the moment I see the only way to include all abp javascripts, app modules in _references.js and download angular intellisense integration nuget.

Yes. I see the index is recreated in the last migration. Topic closed.

When executing migration


there is a warning:

Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IX_NotificationName_EntityTypeName_EntityId_UserId' has maximum length of 1032 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.

I am using SQL Server 2012.

Hey there,

My goal is to create a _Wcf_service for my IMyApplicationService. This is really easy - some annotations on IMyApplicationService, and Castle _WcfFactory_in Global.asax. The only problem - service implementation has _AbpAuthorize_attribute and service call fails. Is there any way to keep _AbpAuthorize_attributes, so that the same service implementation would be used for front-end clients and _Wcf_clients?

Could You please give us an update on Your success? I need exactly the same thing - to create wcf service, but I would not like to loose abp functionality.

Showing 31 to 40 of 40 entries