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Activities of "farhantufail"


Can you please guide how to integrate xero code with Docker.

we're having this issue only on one service and on method of the service that is createoredit. please guide me to solve the problem. we are using product version 7.3.0 (aspnet core and angular).


Hi Dear, I'm having trouble in building my angular project version 7.3.0. The error is 'Property '_d' does not exist on type 'Moment'.' I'm binding date object in [(ngModel)]="".

Dear I'm gettting this error for unknow reason.Please help me in this regard. identifier '_d' is not defined.'Moment' does not contain such a member Angular. ____

we are using product version of 7.2.3. Thanks

      public class PayrollManager : ApplicationServiceBase, IDomainService
        public SalarySheet CreateSalary(int employeeCode,int periodId, int month, int year)

              SalaryPeriod salaryPeriod = _salaryPeriodRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == periodId);
                int startDay = salaryPeriod.FromDate.Day;
                int endDay = salaryPeriod.ToDate.Day;
             decimal daysRemoval = _timeCardDetailCustomRepository.CalculateDaysremoval(startDate, endDate, employeeCode);

//Custom Repository

            public class TimeCardDetailRepository : ApplicationRepositoryBase<TimeCardDetail>,ITimeCardDetailRepository
            IConfigurationRoot configuration = AppConfigurations.Get(WebContentDirectoryFinder.CalculateContentRootFolder(), addUserSecrets: true);

            public TimeCardDetailRepository(IDbContextProvider<ApplicationContext> dbContextProvider)
                    : base(dbContextProvider)


            public decimal CalculateDaysremoval(DateTime startDate,DateTime endDate,int employeeCode)

                string sql = "SELECT ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN mark = 1 and TotalHours >= 4  THEN 0.5 WHEN mark = 1 and TotalHours < 4  THEN 1  end),0)as removalDays  FROM dbo.tabel WHERE EID = @employeeId";

                decimal result = 0;
                using (var con=GetDbContext().Database.GetDbConnection())
                      using (var command = con.CreateCommand())

                            command.CommandText = sql;

                            command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@employeeId", employeeCode));

                            using (var dr = command.ExecuteReader())

                                if (dr.Read())
                                    result = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["removalDays"]);


                return result;


It throws this exception.

My Question is that how can we Pass the transection from Domain Service to Custom repository Method ? In Cutome repository method we want to use Pure because we have a alot of views from getting data and we can not map every view to EF Core keyless Entity type.

As Domain Services already Implemnet UnitOfWork by default in ABP and we jsut want to pass the transection used by UnitOfWork in Cutom repo methods or any work around to implement this behaviour?


I encountered this problem when I tried to update service proxies class in my angular project.

Please guide me to solvemy problem.

Hi,Ive downloaded new angular project of latest version that is 7.2.3. when i run my project, I'm getting this error.Please guide me solve this problem.Thanks

I'm using my own components instead of using default modal component for edit and create.But I'm getting Attempt to use a destroyed view error only when I go for editing. I'm using this code to get my component for edit. this.router.navigate(['/app/admin/employees/Edit',id]); please help me in solving my issue. Thanks alot. !

we dont want to complicate login process for the user, please guide how can we autoselect the tenant on the basis of user login?

In case of change in already generated entities, When we regenerate entities from RAD Power Tool, our customization and validation are overwritten, how to retain our customization?

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