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Activities of "fguo"

Thank you! :D Shall I wait until the v3.4 release? Or, just modify the code files like you did?

I tried to move the ChangeLanguage(ChangeUserLanguageDto input) method from *.Application\Users\UserAppService.cs to *.Application\Users\Profile\ProfileAppService.cs, but got building errors.

It is not a big deal if you release v3.4 soon. I just wonder how to MERGE the v3.4 into my current v3.3, because I have modified some code somewhere.


Thank you! Now I can see the code file you mentioned. I want to make sure if my appsettings files correct.

My original *.Web.Host\asssettings.json has 5 items: ConnectionStrings, Abp, App, Authentication, Recaptcha. The first 3 items are: "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb; Database=MyProjectDb; Trusted_Connection=True;" }, "Abp": { "RedisCache": { "ConnectionString": "localhost", "DatabaseId": -1 } }, "App": { "WebSiteRootAddress": "http://localhost:4200/", "CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:4200" },

Let's say my production host server is named "WebServer", database server is "SqlServer", and url is "". I will make a *.Web.Host\asssettings.Production.json with these values as: "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "Server=SqlServer; Database=ProductionDb; Trusted_Connection=True;" }, "Abp": { "RedisCache": { "ConnectionString": "WebServer", "DatabaseId": -1 } }, "App": { "WebSiteRootAddress": "", "CorsOrigins": "" },

The value of Authentication and Recaptcha will keep same. Is that correct? :?: I am not confident especially for "Abp" setting.

As for migration, my production database can only be connected from production host server, so I cannot run migration command in my development machine. I am going to run it in the production host server as you suggested. However, in my development machine, I need to run the command in the folder of \aspnet-core\src*.EntityFramework. After I publish the whole projects to production host server, all code files are compressed as .dll, and no such folder exists. Can you advise me how to migrate in this scenario? :?:

Thanks again!

Got it. It is "fgaonet".


I use my email <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> to sign up my github. Is this what you need?


The link does not work. I got 404 error while clicking on it. Can you correct it?


I am also a little confused on the first problem. How do I set Clock.Provider to UtcClockProvider in *.Host application? Do you mean to add a code: Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc; in Startup.cs, Configure(), after app.UseAbp(); :?:


I am trying "ASP.NET Core & Angular 2.x" v3.3.0. It runs fine on localhost. I am going to deploy it on IIS in our Production server, but I couldn't find instructions in document how to change database on different environment.

On my other projects, I usually list all connectionStrings in appSettings.json, e.g. "connectionStrings": { "developmentConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=ProjectDB;Trusted_Connection=True;", "productionConnectionString": "Server=ProductionSQL;Database=ProjectDB1;Trusted_Connection=True;" } and use Environment Variable to automatically inject a proper connectionString for development on localhost or production server.

Can you advise me how to implement the similar (or better) way in ASP.NET Zero solution? :?:

Also, on "Getting Started" guide, Database Migrations section, it states: AspNet Zero solution includes a .Migrator (like Acme.PhoneBook.Migrator) project in the solution. You can run this tool for database migrations on development and production(see <ins>development guide</ins> for more information).

I am confused how to "run this tool". I followed the link to "development guide", but couldn't find the section to "run this tool". Can you give me a clue to get more detail instruction? :?:

On my development machine, I use "Entity Framework Migration Command" to create the database and seed it. I wonder how to use it on production environment. :?:



That's good! I will do some code work later to implement.

For now, I simply want to remove the tenancyName "Default" from Chat in Single Tenant mode. Can you advise which code file need to modify?


I attached screen shots here to describe the second problem - User cannot change language. (It seems that I can only attach 3 files or less, so I have to delete the attachment on the following 1. and 2)

  1. On admin page, I can select a language (e.g. German).See the attachment "Select Language".
  2. After the selection, the admin page will refresh and show German text. See the attachment "German".
  3. On User page, I tried to select a language (e.g. German). See the attachment "User Screen".
  4. After the selection, the user page pops up an error. See the attachment "Required Permission".
  5. The User role has no permissions granted by default. See attachment "Edit User Role".
  6. If I check off the "Users" on the "Edit User Role" page (above 5), the user can change language as admin does, but the user will have the right to see User page, which is not my expected.

So, how do I let all users change language on their own page no matter what permissions granted? :?:



I am trying "ASP.NET Core & Angular 2.x" v3.3.0, with single tenant. I understand the "Chat Feature" can only be changed in AbpFeatures table in the database as described on Topic #7873. I just wonder how to change the Chatter's display name on the Chat. :?: The chatter's name now includes tenant (e.g. Default\admin) even we are on single tenant mode. For security, chatters want to use nick names instead of using tenanct\username. Is it possible? :?:


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