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Activities of "ips-jm"



We hope for a quick solution to the problem :)

Hello @ismcagdas, Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, "updateOn" is not a feasible solution for us, as it only triggers updates when the focus is lost from the input field or when the form is submitted. This approach does not meet our requirement for "real-time" search results. A more viable solution appears to be using a directive that handles debouncing, as mentioned in your StackOverflow post.

It would be beneficial if your framework could natively support this functionality, as the current implementation is inadequate for production use.


We are in the process of integrating several AI technologies into our system. As part of this effort, we require access to a vector database. Considering that aspboilerplate already supports Redis caching, we are considering using Redis as our vector database for its ease of implementation?

Could you provide some guidance on the general adjustments that may be necessary for this integration? We need access to it in several services.

Thank you in advance!

After some investigation, I realized that this error only occurs when optimization is set to "true" in the angular.json production config.

Deployment is working as expected with optimization set to false. Have you had a similar case?

In case anyone plans to do this as well:

We ended up using:

Working really well

Hey @ismcagdas,

Thank you for these tips and suggestions! We plan to implement this in the near future and may reach out again if further questions arise.


we have a requirement to connect and communicate with local network devices of our users. To facilitate this, we are considering developing a separate standalone client that could run on Mac, Windows, and potentially Linux.

Could you provide us with some guidance on how to approach this? The standalone client would need to execute certain actions triggered by the backend, such as sending requests to local devices and returning the responses from these devices to the backend, among other tasks. The users can add local devices via a simple ui.

We would appreciate any advice or resources you can share to help us achieve this.

Thank you in advance.


Hey, we are looking to build a Flutter App as UI paired with the Zero Backend.

Does anyone already have experience in this matter? Input / ideas, especially considering the implementation of the "service-proxies" (like in the Angular project), would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Was an error on my side. IDE imported an unknown Module "TextDecoder" and I didn't notice it.

  • What is your product version? -> 8.4
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? -> Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? -> .net core

Hello, I'm currently implementing a new pdf editor in our application. From the editor we are receiving an uint8 array which we need to convert to a base64 encoded string. I tried it like this:

But when I try to save the annotated pdf I receive the following exception:

According to the TypeScript documentation this should work.

Thank you in advance for any upcoming ideas.

Showing 1 to 10 of 18 entries