I mean you shouldn't use entities in your dtos. You still have NoteHeader in EditNoteHeaderDto. Can you try use it's properties instead of NoteHeader entity in EditNoteHeaderDto.
And last thing, do you try to map List of EditCompanyDto to a single EditCompanyDto ? Exception message is something like that as far as I can understand.
That is good :).
Do you have any javascript error your browser's developer console ?
And one more thing. I think you need to use
<script src="../assets/layouts/layout/scripts/layout.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
instead of
<script src="../assets/layouts/layout4/scripts/layout.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Can you also check that ?
Is your project MPA or SPA ? If it's a SPA, it should work like you said but if it's a MPA, then you need to add your css file to your cshtml file. Just like in this one <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-samples/blob/master/PhoneBook-MPA/Acme.PhoneBook.Web/Areas/Mpa/Views/PhoneBook/Index.cshtml">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-ze ... dex.cshtml</a>
You can do it like this:
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
icon: "icon-administration"
).AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
url: "AreaName/Users",
icon: "icon-users"
Please see this answer #1977@08c79bc2-4391-4b40-b9c0-4afe7ba3c124
Basically you need to register all of your application module's services using the same approach.
Have you seen unit tests for aspnetboilerplate module zero template ? Here <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-template/tree/master/src/Tests/AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName.Tests">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/mo ... Name.Tests</a>.
This base class for unit tests might give you an idea <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-template/blob/master/src/Tests/AbpCompanyName.AbpProjectName.Tests/AbpProjectNameTestBase.cs">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/mo ... estBase.cs</a>
I'm not sure if this will work or not but, can you try to define vm.selectedBatch in your controller just below line
vm.batch = null;
I think it's not defined in your view by default.
Is NoteHeader is an entity ? If so, please define an DTO for it as well and use it in EditCompanyDto instead of NoteHeader entity.
And then check if error is fixed.
Hi Fahd,
We don't have experience on Crystal Reports but we can try to help you if you have a specific error.