in debug mode a fake mail sender is used. Try it in release mode.
It's probably MaxLength attribute on that fields. Can you try to do it like this,
override Name and Surname field in User entitiy.
public override string Name { get; set; }
Can you check your Logs.txt file for error details ? The error you mentioned is a client side error I think. There must be a server side error preventing proxy script generation.
Can you share your project in a private link with email ?
There is nothing special to AspNet Zero For this, you can do it as you do it in a classic MVC application.
One way is, ignore route for the file
I couldn't understand your case clearly but if I undersdant it correct, You can consider using HangFire in your case. If you want to read some data from an external database, you can use classic EntityFramework way for it.
It is not possible to store all ABP tables in host database. Some of the tables needs to be in tenant database in database per tenant architecture, because they contain tenant specific entities.
But you dont have to store host specific tables in tenant database. In order to do that, you need to derive your tenant db context from AbpZeroTenantDbContext and host db context from AbpZeroHostDbContext.
I somehow accidentally post another here. Please ignore it. I will investigate your case and get back to you soon.
It is not possible to store all ABP tables in host database. Some of the tables needs to be in tenant database in database per tenant architecture, because they contain tenant specific entities.
But you dont have to store host specific tables in tenant database. In order to do that, you need to derive your tenant db context from AbpZeroTenantDbContext and host db context from AbpZeroHostDbContext.
You can do it in OnModelCreation of your DbContext <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero/issues/17">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/mo ... /issues/17</a>