Sorry, I misunderstand your question. If you disable multiTenancy, you can either do it in Seed method or from database.
If none of those entities implements ISoftDelete, you can disable cascade delete and get an exception if there is a foreign key in another table. Then you can show a message to user.
But if you want to do it with entities which implement ISoftDelete, you have to manually handle it. Because in that case SQL Server will not throw an exception for you. It's a nice feature but hard to implement.
Maybe you can create a common EntityUpdated event and in that event check if entity implements ISoftDelete and it's IsDeleted field is true. If it is, then you can check related entities which are not deleted.
But this might be a heavy process.
Yes, it might be related to that. Can you share it's definition as well ? We will try to simulate your case.
Thank you for sharing your project. It helped to solve the problem.
you should call your appService like this
Can you share your Log file ?
Thank you very much for your solution and detailed explanation :)
This is possible. Login to system as a host user (leave tenancy name empty on login screen). Go to Tenants page, Click Actions -> Features for a tenant and turn onn/off a feature on that dialog for a specific tenant.
Which version of DynamicFilters do you use in your project ?
Can you check json send to server via ajax request ? And share it if it is possible ?
Did you override OnModelCreating of your DbContext ?
This entity, BackgroundJobInfo, is defined in Abp.Zero package and it should be in the DbContext by default because you derive your DbContext from AbpZeroDbContext.