Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


disabling softDelete filter only works for getting records. It does not delete record from database.

If you want to completly delete records from database, you have two options.

1 ) write a custom repository for role and execute regular sql query in it. 2) Override CancelDeletionForSoftDelete method of AbpDbContext and put your logic in it. For example you can check if softDelete filter is disabled and exit from method if it is. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... xt.cs#L396</a>


Thanks for your report, we have fixed it. I will check for your Index suggestion as well.


First of all, thank you for your detailed work on this, it's really appreciated. I'm glad that you have solved the problem.

By the way, ABP adds below 4 items to ignored types for validation and auditing.



We didn't really investigated those tools.

But after a quick search, it seems like it's hard to find a wysiwyg editor for anuglar which supports file upload. Probably you will need to use jquery or pure javascript editors. This one seems nice to me <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

For file upload this one seems nice as well <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.

But as I said, we haven't tried these libraries. I suggest you to take a closer look at these libraries before using it if they meet your needs.


AbpODataEntityController is a simple class actually <a class="postlink" href=""> ... troller.cs</a>

You can create a similar controller for DTOs and use it in your project.


Thank you for informing us, here is the issue for that <a class="postlink" href=""></a>. We have fixed it, it will be in the next release.

In the mean time you can apply it by yourself for your project.


This is a tough topic actually, it's hard to give an exact answer.

But you can create another User class deriving from User Entity (which is in Core module) in your module which contains navigation property Entity, then add the navigation property.

In order to allow application to create base User entity, all properties added by other modules must be optional (nullable) or must have a default value.


I think your problem is related to this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1058</a>. Since we change entityState while retrieving an entity, it causes the updatae query to run.

Upgrading abp packages to or a higher version should solve the problem.


You can uncheck "Enable javascript source mappings" in Google Chrome's developer console settings. This file will not be requested if you disable this setting.


You can use Migrator project in the solution. It will apply migrations to all tenant databases for you.

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