Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


As I understand, in your case 1 user have two roles right ? For examle "xxxx" user has both "Admin" and "Master" roles right ?


You can use it like this. After calling CreateAsync call CheckErrors

(await CreateAsync(user)).CheckErrors();


Which version of ABP do you use ?


You can inject Bappservice into Aappservice and use it there.

But this is not a suggested way. Maybe you can take the common code used in both Aappservice and Bappservice into a new domain service, then you can inject that domain service in your app services and use it's method.


Probably there is an error while generating service proxy scripts. Can you check Logs.txt in App_Data or Logs folder of your web project in order to see error details ?

We will be very happy if you do :). Good luck with the demo.


Probably you should set website root address on host settings page. Login as host and then go to settings page. You can find it under General tab.



You can take a look at those two

  • <a class="postlink" href=""></a> (If you are developing a SPA)
  • <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

But there are many other nice wysiwyg html editors, you can make a deeper search on the internet.


We dont have such a feature right now. You can create a github issue for ABP and we can discuss on it.


We dont have any other documentation but you can take a look at notification documentation <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ion-System</a>. The logic of this documentation haven't changed.

You can send notification to different tenant users by giving array of UserIdentifiers to NotificationPublisher.PublishAsync method. But "Abp.Notifications.ReceiveNotifications" setting must be true for those users.

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