Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"

When the customErrors mode is Off, ABP does not handle exceptions. Because of that, you cannot see the exception detials.

If you want to have a detailed information you can take a look at ABP's exception handling documentation <a class="postlink" href=""> ... Exceptions</a>.


When you use

app.UseHangfireServer(new BackgroundJobServerOptions
    Queues = new[] { "critical", "default" }

regardless of the value "IsJobExecutionEnabled" hangfire server starts. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... on-methods</a>

So instead of setting "Configuration.BackgroundJobs.IsJobExecutionEnabled" to false, you can conditionally run the "app.UseHangfireServer" code.


Does your MeHmacAuthenticationAttribute have a parameterless constructor ? Otherwise you couldn't use it like this [MeHmacAuthentication] I think :).

In MVC you cannot inject anything to attributes. You have two options,

1 - Resolve IMeApiKeyAppService manually

var meApiKeyAppService = IocManager.Instance.Resolve<IMeApiKeyAppService >();

in your attribute when you need it. Then you should release it after you are done with it like this

IocManager.Instance.Release(meApiKeyAppService );

2 - You can create a web api filter and add it to web api filters. For this one, you can take a look at AbpApiAuditFilter in ABP's source code and it's usage.


Can you try with disabling minification on your project ? In that way we can see a better exception message.


Can you check the value of customErrors in web config ?


Normally EF migrations should fill the tables as you said. Can you re run migrations on the same database ? Once I had an issue that languages table is not filled for the first time when I run the EF migrations.


Actually we haven't tried the latest DynamicFilters, I will try and let you know.


Can you also check that you don't have this issue in your application ? <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1209</a>

Because there is an important bug and because of that we downgraded from DynamicFilters v2.1 to v1.4.11.0.



First of all you can take a look at logs.txt in App_Data\Logs folder. Probably you will find error details.


I couldn't reproduce it. Can you share your entitiy and your onmodelcreating code? Maybe i can reproduce with your code.

If there is something special in menuItemManager's updateAsync please share its code as well.

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