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Activities of "ismcagdas"

I am gald that you have solved it :)


We mostly support IE9 but there might be some problems with the plugins we used. After your message I did test it and it seems like the problem is related to angular ui-grid.

You can take a look at this issue, I didn't try it but there is a solution offered <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


For number 5, we did think exactly like you did but we decided to implement it just like metronic. Implementing the way you said is a bit hard for metronic html structure right now. But we will definitely consider this.

For the major problem, if it's not going to be a problem, please send your project to me in a private email and I will try to understand your problem. Because I cannot reproduce it with our version.




This is related to selected language (culture) and momentjs actually. You can do it with 2 steps,

  1. First you need to add "English (EN-AU)" to your application languages on the language management page.
  2. Then you need to make a little change on layout.cshtml file change this line
moment.locale('@Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name.Left(2)'); //Localizing moment.js

to this one

moment.locale('@Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name'); //Localizing moment.js

In this way, users will be able to see dates according to their language preference. We will also include 2 step to next version, thanks for informing us.


Here are my answers,

  1. The Change Log says that this release upgraded Metronic to v4.6. I didn't see any changes in the metronic files when I merged the changes from 1.11 into my application (which was previously 1.10.1). So how can I check I have the Metronic update?

<span style="color:#0000FF">There are some small changes if you look at this commit <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ac9ac9a9d8</a>. Because of line endings github shows all lines removed and new lines added, but actually there are just a few lines changed for some files. Metronic also does not make so many changes for the files that we use. We dont add m</span>ost of the plugins used by metronic in our project. We left it to you, and you can add those files when you need them.

<span style="color:#0000FF">By the way, panel is opened when you click the chat button right now.</span>

  1. Same question as above but for angular ui grid v3.2.1

<span style="color:#0000FF">According to this commit there are some changes, especially in ui-grid.js <a class="postlink" href=""> ... 35c9826156</a> Can you check the version number in your ui-grid.js ?</span>

  1. The Chat button on the form header doesn't work correctly.

<span style="color:#0000FF">Nothing happens when I click it or hover over it but if I subsequently reload the page after clicking it then the chat sidebar appears. I can only make the sidebar stay by pinning it. I've checked all script ad css files and other files and everything seems to be in line with the files from 1.11 downloaded from Git.</span>

<span style="color:#0000FF">Which browser and version doy you test with ? And is it single page app or multi page app ? We didn't get such a case but maybe we missed something.</span>

  1. There are some formatting issues in the chat sidebar when it does appear. The bottom of the last chat entry is trimmed off.

<span style="color:#0000FF">I will test this according to your browser and version info.</span>

  1. When I pin the chat sidebar it overlays the form. It should push the form left so I can keep working in the app when chatting.

<span style="color:#0000FF">We are thinking of opening chat panel when user moves mouse to the most right of the page, but I dont know when it will be implemented and released. But you can do it in your project easily.</span>

  1. Can the host admin chat to tenant users and vice versa? This would be the most useful use of this feature for support. At the moment I don't seem to be able to do this.

<span style="color:#0000FF">_Yes,

There are 3 features which you can see when you are editing a Edition which are. You can set those features for editions, and assign editions to tenants.

Chat > Chat with other tenants > Chat with host users_</span>

Did you also set precision for your field in OnModelCreating of your DbContext and added the migration ?


Can you try to update EntityFramework.DynamicFilters nuget package to v2.3 and try this issue again ?



By default AspNet Zero unit tests does not get data from database, if you haven't do something special for your project. Data for unit tests are stored in memory by Effort library.

First you have to insert some data with a repository, appService or UsingDbContext then you should try to get data by using _personAppService.

You can take a look at Should_Get_Audit_Logs test in AspNet Zero project template. You can also take a look at this article <a class="postlink" href=""> ... y-Framewor</a>

Please let me know if you have any problems.


I think your problems happens when you call a appService from client side ? If that is right, your problem is related to Json.Net I think.

You can take a look at this issue, there is an offered solution, you can try that. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -precision</a>


Thank you very much for sharing your complete solution :).

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