Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"



I haven't tried it but css on this comment seems working <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -155849201</a>


Can you try to move added codes in a seperate unitOfWork ?

Move these lines before first unitOfWork and put it inside another unit of work

var connectionstringUnit = await (from org in _organizationRepository.GetAll()
                              join constr in _connectionStringRepository.GetAll() on org.ConnectionStringId equals
                              where org.Id == organizationId
                              select constr).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

and put CloneTenantData just before these lines and put it in a new unitOfWork

//Used a second UOW since UOW above sets some permissions and _notificationSubscriptionManager.SubscribeToAllAvailableNotificationsAsync needs these permissions to be saved.
using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))

Can you also share CloneTenantData code if this does not work for you ?



Sorry, accidentally I shared a private repository link.

You can take a look at this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/268</a>

and this documentation <a class="postlink" href=""> ... et-web-api</a>

Basically you need to update lates ABP nuget packages, and it should be done for dynamic web api automatically.


Did you add ManagerAuthorizationProvider to Providers ?

You should do it in the PreInitialize method of your Application Module like this.

public override void PreInitialize()
    //Adding authorization providers
    Configuration.Authorization.Providers.Add<ManagerAuthorizationProvider >();

and your Controller should inherit from AbpController or if you created your project from aspnetboilerplate website template the it should inherit from [*ControllerBase] class.


We didn't have this error before ?

Does it happen with same connectionString ? First you get error then after a few trials you manage to create tenant and database ?

And is your Sql Server on a local server ?



Can you try to clean your solution after changing your connectionString and run it again ?

Probably tenants in the local database stays in the tenant cache after changing the connectinString and your second database does not have some of the tenants in your local database.


You dont need to do anything. ABP automatically does that for you. It finds the Id of logged in user, find user's role and check permisisons according to User permissin -> Role permission -> default permission value respectively.

You just need to use an attribute like this

public void CreateUser(CreateUserInput input)
    //A user can not execute this method if he is not granted for "Administration.UserManagement.CreateUser" permission.

or like this,

if (!PermissionChecker.IsGranted("Administration.UserManagement.CreateUser"))
    throw new AbpAuthorizationException("You are not authorized to create user!");


It is possible of course but requires a bit of work. Starting with SPA and converting it to a MPA will be easier. You need to have a copy of App folder in the solution for each page. Each page of your app will be a seperate single page application.

Then of course, you need to add an action for each page to your controllers.


It's not recommended to use entities for AppService inputs. You can create a Dto for your AppService input and map it to your entity before saving or inserting your entity.

In order to update an entity, you should first get it from your repository.


Please check this issue <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.

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