Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


You can do that by defining a custom filter. Please check this documentation <a class="postlink" href=""> ... tomFilters</a>


You can use it like this

vm.getUsers = function (val) {
    return userService.getUsers({ filter: val }).then(function (response) {
        return (item) {
            return item.userName;

in view

<input type="text" ng-model="selected" uib-typeahead="user for user in vm.getUsersx($viewValue)" class="form-control">


Why do you need to get records from AbpPermissions table ? In most cases, you dont need records in AbpPermissions table.


If your assembly "App_Web_tuwlsmxq" is in the bin folder, the problem is probably related to some missing installation on the server or ISS configuration.

Is there any other AspNet website running on the same server ?

Can you also check the target framework of the projects in your solution. It might be 4.6.1 and that might be a problem as well.



It was LocalClockProvider before but changed in release <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g/v0.9.7.0</a> with issue #1161 which is a breaking change.

You can set it to LocalClockProvider like

Clock.Provider = new LocalClockProvider();

in the first line of Application_Start method of your Global.asax.



Which Clock provider do you use ? You can find it in ApplicationStart of Global.asax.

There are 3 clock providers in Abp, UtcClockProvider, LocalClockProvider and UnspecifiedClockProvider. You should probably use LocalClockProvider.


You are right, creating a tenant for eah user is not a good way. Instead of features and editions, you can use permissions and settings which are more convenient.


AspNet Zero does not have such a feature, you can use a batch insert library like EntityFramework.Extended. We haven't tried any of them but I think you can find a a good one.


You need to include bootstrap confirmation script to your project. It is not included by default.

you can find it under metronic theme "assets/global/plugins/bootstrap-confirmation/bootstrap-confirmation.min.js"


Can you check the value of customErrors on web.config ? It's value should be "On".

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