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Activities of "ismcagdas"



Now I understand :). We are trying to stick with .Net as much as possible, because of that we store and show Windows timezone informations.

But we convert Windows Timezone to IANA (which you mentioned & moment timezone uses) in order to use it on the client side.



Actually, we did use moment timezone :). I wrote it in my message.

I couldn't understand the confusion here :).


I'm asking just be sure,

Is your db server(s) and application server are same ? Because MSDTC must be enabled on all servers including app server and database server(s).


Under the MSDTC tab, it says, "use local coordinator", that's why I redirected you to local dtc settings.

But your local DTC security settings seems normal. Can you check if "Distributed Transaction Coordinator" windows service is running ?


Instead of computer properties, just right click on the "Local DTC" then click properties. You will see security tab.


You can extend ApplicationLanguage entity and add your properties to it. You can check extending entities tutorial <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>



If you use UtcClockProvider, datetime values will be stored UTC in database. When displaying dates to client, we used moment timezone javascript library which takes care of daylight savings very well.

But, since we store datetime into database (not DateTimeOffset), for some particular cases it's impossible to know actual offset from UTC.


Probably you will need to change your method signature like this.

GetMessagesByRequestId(IdInput input)

and load child table like this

msgdata.childTable.jtable('load', {id:});

If this does not work, Can you share your request details on Chrome's network tab. And also "getMessagesByRequestId" method's signature.

I hope it helps.


I did not test this code but you can try it like this.

In the UserAppService's GetUsers method, first get admin role by name. Then add a WhereIf to users query like below. Filter users with admin role if current user does not have permission to see Admin users.

var adminRole = await _roleManager.GetRoleByNameAsync(StaticRoleNames.Tenants.Admin);
var query = UserManager.Users
	.Include(u => u.Roles)
		u =>
			u.Name.Contains(input.Filter) ||
			u.Surname.Contains(input.Filter) ||
			u.UserName.Contains(input.Filter) ||
	).WhereIf(UserDoesNotHavePermissionToSeeAdminUsers, u=> !u.Roles.Any(r=> r.RoleId == adminRole.Id));

I hope this helps.


You can do it in OnModelCreating of your db context for a single property like this.

modelBuilder.Entity<YourEntity>().Property(p => p.YourProperty).HasPrecision(18, 3);

Then add necessay EF code first migration and update your database.

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