Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @hdu,

It seems you are trying to use sync and async methods together. Could you try the async version of the toList method? var taskInstanceList = await _taskRunnerInstanceRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.TaskRunnerId == id).ToListAsync();

Hi @BusinessSolutions,

Thank you for your feedback. We will review the versions and provide you with a response.


When I run the project it fails for NRT.UnitOfCompetency.json and RPLSuite.SystemLibrary not found error. Could you share these JSON files too? It could be related to a missing JSON file.

Hi @[email protected],

We will update the host controller template in the next version. But I think the angular problem is related to lint. Could you mouse hover on the error and send us a screenshot?


Could you update your navigation properties with the following code?

  "ForeignEntityName": "Qualification",
  "ForeignEntityNamePlural": "Qualifications",  

Hi @harley.mcphee,

You can create a custom controller and update your user tenantId and it will change the user's tenant. And you could unique the email.

Hi @mdepouw,

Thanks for your feedback. It looks like the posted a long time ago links are broken. We will consider what can we do about it.

Hi @lschelvan,

It looks like the current document is deprecated (written 2 years ago). We will update the document as soon.

You can follow the progress


We will work on this.

For now, could you check this document?

You can customize your Metronic theme on the following files.

Hi @Hostmaster,

I think you can create a T-SQL script and copy your data to tenants.

But you can look at the following docs for customizing on tenants.

Showing 151 to 160 of 276 entries