Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @Hostmaster,

I don't know exactly what you want to do. But for this, you will probably need to customize the tenant manager method. If you want you can use application services too. If you give me more information, maybe I can be more helpful.

Hi @rameshrubix,

You can use the overridable option for your custom codes.

Could you share screenshot or gif for scroll down and the hidden problem?

Hi @mdepouw,

Thanks for your feedback. You can find the link

Hi @osweater,

Could you check the migrator docker file?

Hi @alliance225,

At the moment, this feature is not currently supported. If there is significant demand for this feature, we will certainly consider adding it to our roadmap for future development.

Hi, @NPECAdmin,

Could you share the steps to reproduce this issue?

Hi @reesoncare,

Could you reproduce this problem with the new version? We suggest updating your ANZ version.

Hi @reesoncare,

What is your ANZ version? In the current version, we don't have a problem with email verification.

Hi @asbbh,

Could you update your connection string as below Server=host.docker.internal;Database=MvcLatestDemoDb;User=sa;Password=pass;TrustServerCertificate=true


Hi everyone, I created an issue about it, you can follow the progress.

Showing 161 to 170 of 276 entries