Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi alexanderpilhar,

Could you update your project to the next version? It seems fixed here

Hi @attspacecom,

You can name constraint names manually like this answer

Hi InnodelTech,

Could you share your project with us at [email protected]

Hi @InnodelTech,

I think it is not related to AspNetZero Rad Tool. I tried with a fresh solution and I couldn't reproduce the errors. There is an error at DbContext. Could you fix this and regenerate entities?

Hi @Leonardo.Willrich,

I couldn't reproduce it in a new solution. Could you download a new solution and compare it with yours?

Hi, you can hide your framework by removing the scripts below at abp.js "abp.timing.utcClockProvider", "abp.aspnetboilerplate.version"

Hi @lschelvan

Could you share your generated json files


It's working now.


Hi @XugoWebTeam Thank you for reporting, we are currently working on it.

Hi @BarcodesGroup

I created an issue about your problem We will fix the problem as soon as possible.

Showing 221 to 230 of 276 entries