Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @murphymj5209

I tested it in your Github repository and it is working correctly on the main branch with power tools 3.2.3. Could you try to remove and install extension?

Hi @sharadkpatil

If you have installed your database with the migrator, you must have an admin account. A permission list is created for the generated entities. (Create, delete, edit permission)

Were you able to solve your problem, could you share steps for me to reproduce the issue?

Hi @murphymj5209

We fixed the bugs, we will release as soon as possible.

Hi @enio

Could you check this question?


Could you share your startup.cs file?

Hi @alexanderpilhar

I created an issue about this. You can follow

Hi @AndrewT

If you don't have a mobile application, go straight from 9 -> 12. It will be easier.

Hi @junior1986

Is it possible to share your project with [email protected]

Hi @sharadkpatil

The change is just about the UI and doesn't need integration. Could you try with an example entity?

Could you check the AbpPermissions table? Is it possible that you have manually handled in the database?

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