Hi @hongbing.wang,
Sorry for asking again. I found the project in my emails. But I still can't reproduce it. Maybe we should plan a call about this
Hi @ValCQ,
Could you share your project with [email protected]
Hi @qquestel,
Could you share your JSON with us? It is like your DisplayPropertyName
or DisplayPropertyNameInfos
is null. Example navigation properties
"NavigationProperties": [{
"Namespace": "test14rc2_mvcDemo.Src",
"ForeignEntityName": "Category",
"ForeignEntityNamePlural": "Categories",
"IdType": "int",
"IsNullable": true,
"PropertyName": "CategoryId",
"DisplayPropertyName": "Name",
"DisplayPropertyNameInfos": {
"MergeFormat": "{0}",
"DisplayPropertyNames": [
"DuplicationNumber": 0,
"RelationType": "single",
"ViewType": "LookupTable",
"IsGeneratedByMasterPage": true
Hi @ESTeam,
This can be a little tricky to customize. You can check the NSwag documentation for customization. Alternatively, I recommend seeking help from the NSwag community.
Hi @hongbing.wang,
Could you share your project with support@aspnetzero ?
Hi @ValCQ,
Could you try to reinstall node_modules? Also please run this command and show me your dotnet SDKs dotnet --list-sdks
Hi @pliaspzero,
Could you share your app logs on Linux? For the second question, aspnetzero already has this feature. https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Localization#how-the-current-language-is-determined
app.UseAbp(options =>
options.UseAbpRequestLocalization = false; //used below: UseAbpRequestLocalization
using (var scope = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope())
if (scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<DatabaseCheckHelper>()
Hi @fgonzalez,
The only solution is to install the latest version of visual studio. Please let us know if the same error persists after updating to the latest version.
Hi @[email protected],
We are planning to create a blog post about dynamic permissions. Please stay tuned.