Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @[email protected],

We are planning to create a blog post about dynamic permissions. Please stay tuned.


Could you access this link?


I can't reproduce the issue on your project. It is working well on my side


Hi @[email protected],

Could you check PermissionManager?

Hi @pliaspzero,

I can't reproduce it. Did you run yarn create-dynamic-bundles? Also, is there any error on browser console?

Hi @philipcj,

You can manually override the file templates, but I don't recommend it. I will open an issue about it.

Hi @niengineering,

It is not possible to make improvements here at the moment. Please see

To speed up the permissions tree please take a look. We could improve this in future versions.

Hi @niengineering,

First, we have no plans to discontinue Angular support in the foreseeable future. Angular will remain a key part of ASP.NET Zero for as long as the platform continues. Also, we are upgrading .NET Standart libraries to .NET 9.0 in the next version. We will release the next version soon.

Hi @Ricavir,

Could you share your MyJob class? It seems there is a dependency issue.

Hi @ITkcare,

I reproduced the problem. We can encrypt the cookies. I created an issue about it

Showing 31 to 40 of 390 entries