Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"


We will check refresh token on Angular soon as possible.

Hi @Ricavir,

Could you check this document?

Hi @pliaspzero,

Could you check this blog post?


I can't reproduce this error on my project. Could you share your project with [email protected]?

Hi @OriAssurant,

Could you share your project with [email protected] We can take a look for your custom services.

Hi @kansoftware,

You have a custom mobile application and need to implement the logic for updating the profile picture. The backend code is already prepared; you just need to integrate the functionality on the mobile side.

Hi @kansoftware,

You can follow the steps used in Angular for updating the profile picture to implement the same functionality. However, for the mobile side, I recommend researching resources on MAUI file uploading for handling file uploads. If you’d like, I can create an issue for this feature in the next release.

Hi @uenlkr4e,

These changes are included in 14.0. Until then you will need to update your app manually.

Hi @uenlkr4e,

Could you look at these changes?

Hi @OriAssurant,

Can you update the following code on your service.config.nswag

  "codeGenerators": {
    "openApiToCSharpClient": {
      "jsonLibrary": "SystemTextJson", // change this line
Showing 41 to 50 of 390 entries