Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "m.aliozkaya"

Hi @lschelvan

Could you share your generated json files


It's working now.


Hi @XugoWebTeam Thank you for reporting, we are currently working on it.

Hi @BarcodesGroup

I created an issue about your problem We will fix the problem as soon as possible.

Hi @murphymj5209

I tested it in your Github repository and it is working correctly on the main branch with power tools 3.2.3. Could you try to remove and install extension?

Hi @sharadkpatil

If you have installed your database with the migrator, you must have an admin account. A permission list is created for the generated entities. (Create, delete, edit permission)

Were you able to solve your problem, could you share steps for me to reproduce the issue?

Hi @murphymj5209

We fixed the bugs, we will release as soon as possible.

Hi @enio

Could you check this question?


Could you share your startup.cs file?

Hi @alexanderpilhar

I created an issue about this. You can follow

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