Hi @AndrewT
If you don't have a mobile application, go straight from 9 -> 12. It will be easier.
Hi @junior1986
Is it possible to share your project with [email protected]
Hi @sharadkpatil
The change is just about the UI and doesn't need integration. Could you try with an example entity?
Could you check the AbpPermissions table? Is it possible that you have manually handled in the database?
Hi @murphymj5209
I think this issue not about reset filters. It's lookign your machine is missing dotnet ef core tool
Hi @AndrewT
We are planning to release a new version this month. We will also have a MAUI update with v12.
Hi @alexanderpilhar
Thank you for reporting. We are working on it.
Hi @vnetonline
I created an issue at https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/4657
.Shared projects are used for dtos and enums that are common in the solution. Dotnetstandart is easy going with dotnet and dotnetcore projects. Therefore, we don't need to update.