i have no errors in console window of course i did all the necessary changes in Register.cshtml and Register.js actually i working on the last version v.12.0
this object returned when execute the command "window.passwordComplexitySetting"
by the way these are not the values saved in my database
and its working just fine in reset password page and user's settings
Hello i noticed that password complexity setting not working in Register page although property
public PasswordComplexitySetting PasswordComplexitySetting { get; set; }
are defined in RegisterViewModel but still not working how can i fix it ?
Thank you
Hello i tried to find localization file of module zero AbpZero.xml that contains some messages translation like Identity.DuplicateName , Identity.DuplicateEmail etc i checked this link but i can't find this file in my project [https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero/blob/dev/src/Abp.Zero/Zero/Localization/Source/AbpZero.xml#L11])
actually i tried also to add these lines in my localization sources but it didn't work
<text name="Identity.DuplicateName" value="UserName already used" />
<text name="Identity.DuplicateEmail" value="Email Address already used" />
Thank you now it's working just fine
i'm sorry if i bothering you with my questions actually i tried the following UserManager
private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository;
public virtual async Task<User> FindByMobileAsync(string mobile)
return await _userRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(
user => user.Mobile == mobile
i got error because _userRepository is null what i missing here ?
then what shall i do also to use L Method in usermanager ? can you please provide me a piece of code to help in my situation ? thank you
Thank you for your reply i have a further questions and i appreciate your help
in UserManager i overrided CreateAsync Method then added CheckDuplicateMobileAsync Method
public override async Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(User user)
var result = await CheckDuplicateMobileAsync(user.Id, user.Mobile);
if (!result.Succeeded)
return result;
return await base.CreateAsync(user);
public virtual async Task<IdentityResult> CheckDuplicateMobileAsync(long? expectedUserId, string mobile)
var user = (await FindByMobileAsync(mobile)); ////////////////////// This line
if (user != null && user.Id != expectedUserId)
return AbpIdentityResult.Failed(string.Format(L("Identity.DuplicateMobile"), mobile)); /////////////// This line
return IdentityResult.Success;
in UserStore
public class UserStore : AbpUserStore<Role, User>
private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository;
public UserStore(
IRepository<User, long> userRepository,
IRepository<UserLogin, long> userLoginRepository,
IRepository<UserRole, long> userRoleRepository,
IRepository<Role> roleRepository,
IRepository<UserPermissionSetting, long> userPermissionSettingRepository,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager
: base(
_userRepository = userRepository;
// Umbrella
public virtual async Task<User> FindByMobileAsync(string mobile)
return await _userRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(
user => user.Mobile == mobile
1- FindByMobileAsync is not exists in current context ???? 2- CS0103 The name 'L' does not exist in the current context ???
what is wrong with my code ?
Hello i want to know the mechanism used to prevent duplication of username and email address in ABP , i noticed that no unique index was used for them so how does it work , how can i do the same for mobile field in the same way , i don't want to duplicate the same mobile number in the same tenant that's why i don't need to use unique index thank you
I fount the solution
public override string Name { get; set; }
public override string Surname { get; set; }
Thank you