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Activities of "npdevs"

Hi, Sorry, that was my fault. I found a place where Configuration.BackgroundJobs.IsJobExecutionEnabled was set to false. Thanks for getting a link to the code.

BTW, is it possible to disable UserTokenExpirationWorker only?

Hello again,

I see AddTokenValidityKeyAsync method which inserts new token record without loading a full list of tokens was introduced (, but it is still not used by TokenAuthController (v12.3.1). Could you please explain why?



About the second case. When opening Administration/Users page, UI sends GetUsersInput:


public class GetUsersInput : PagedAndSortedInputDto, IShouldNormalize, IGetUsersInput
    public int? Role { get; set; }

Looks like Newtonsoft.Json serializer allows using empty strings as null values, but System.Text.Json serializer doesn't. I found a workaround for this case, but it's better to have a native solution.



This background job is enabled, but the table contains few thousands not expired token items. What exactly are this records used for?

I've resolved this myself.

I've followed instructions for Public Web Site and applied them to .Web.Mvc project.

I've executed "yarn" and "npm run create-bundles" commands, and after rebuild it works.

Login in Host's account helped. It works. Thank you!


It works. Thank you!

It works. Thank you!

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