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Activities of "omkarchoudhari"

hi Ismail,

Reopened this ticket again

We created a method which generates static token which is valid for 365 days by passign expiration time But, we can't use this token more than a day It is throwing error "Current user did not login to the application"

Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

Token error =>

Token Expiry date screenshot =>

Hi Isamil,

Any updates on this?

I already shared test account with [email protected] in last week.

Hi Ismail,

We are not getting token on negotiate In console, we are getting following

{negotiateVersion: 1, connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ",…} availableTransports: [{transport: "WebSockets", transferFormats: ["Text", "Binary"]},…] connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ" connectionToken: "tAcU-HSIIsCKWJSCozbpkQ" negotiateVersion: 1

Hello Ismail,

We have a client application build in ASP Net Zero framework version 10.1.0. We enabled built in chat functionality for one-to-one chat. After deploying the application on Azure , we are facing multiple signalR issues related with WebSocket , Jobprogress endpoint. I referred similar threads on this issue and according that we enabled ARR Affinity cookie as well but, still showing same errors. Most of the time due this continuous handshaking happening in background, our application becomes unresponsive intermittently.

main-es2015.f789065ca8e199479b03.js:1 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: 2023-03-17T06:05:53.384Z] Error: Failed to start the transport 'WebSockets': Error: There was an error with the transport.

Can you please suggest any workaround on this

Application Errors =>

ARR affinity cookie

Thank you @ismcagdas. Let us try this approach and we will let you know.

Hello ,

We are working with an aspnetzero MVC/jQuery project with aspnetzero version 6.9. We have implemented basic chat functionality.

Following functionality is working fine where Chat icon is located next to user's profile image on top right corner of the page. The number in the red circle shows total unread chat message count. When user clicks this icon, chat panel appears on the right of page.

Next Requirement: • Proper documentation for implementing group chat. • User can add new friends to a group by clicking the add person button which shown as a red mark in the figure.

How should be the DB Table structure: • For saving chat messages • For maintaining the group

what existing interface/service can we extend to achieve the above ? Please advise. Thanks

Hi we are having with signalR on the multi-instance production environment from error it seems like it get connected some times. but we not able to find exact issue and how to resolve this It gets when we are using single instance but doesnot seem to be working for multiinstance
we are using default signalR provided by framework

Hi we are having with signalR on the multi-instance production environment from error it seems like it get connected some times. but we not able to find exact issue and how to resolve this

Thank you.... it worked after using redis


we are using Memory Cache provided by framework

Showing 11 to 20 of 146 entries