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Activities of "omkarchoudhari"

Hello, Is there any update on this Please ?


Any update on this? We are chasing a completion here and it depends on resolving this issue.


Sorry for the late response, but requesting you to treat this as URGENT :)

Yes, we have tested it on the nonmodified template as well. it is giving me the same error.

Could one of the following reasons be the possibility of this error?

  1. Behaviours folder missing from Mobile.Shared (we are using MVC Core, Jquery but to check, we checked what folder we see in the shared folder of documentation).

  2. Template is using "using MvvmHelpers".

(Maybe try to use "using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.ObjectModel" instead of "using MvvmHelpers") as the error is related to community toolkit.


@ismcagdas Any update on this ?


Sorry for the late response, but requesting you to treat this as URGENT :)

Yes, we have tested it on the nonmodified template as well. it is giving me the same error.

Could one of the following reasons be the possibility of this error?

  1. Behaviours folder missing from Mobile.Shared (we are using MVC Core, Jquery but to check, we checked what folder we see in the shared folder of documentation).

  2. Template is using "using MvvmHelpers".

(Maybe try to use "using Xamarin.CommunityToolkit.ObjectModel" instead of "using MvvmHelpers") as the error is related to community toolkit.


Hello @ismcagdas,

This issue is now resolved.

What did we do to resolve this issue ?

  1. If we are using Microsoft and Google Login (on the web). Then we will already have consumer secrets, secret Id, etc. configurations in our MVC. Just copy them and paste them into Web.Host project's appsettings.

  2. Auth Provider for Microsoft will be Microsoft, for Google will be Google, etc. (Please provide Hard coded values for Auth providers)

  3. when you run the project and receive auth token, values will be set to particular properties (from the custom model- create CustomExternalAuthenticateModel just like ExternalAuthenticateModel in TokenAuthController , and also create CustomExternalAuthenticateResultModel just like ExternalAuthenticateResultModel in TokenAuthController Create these files in Application.Client project) and it sends a request to the ExternalAuthenticate method.

  4. And rest is done by ANZ itself (it takes us to the main page - the flyout page).

Note: Just follow the normal Login flow and create the required models, classes, etc. To run project locally, run two VS instances. On one VS instance run Droid project and on the other run Web.Host (not IIS server profile, run Mobile) in other VS.

Hope this is helpful to someone who faces similar issue.

Thanks for your support

We initiate request to client to migrate the template to new version but, this may take some time. So, if you could share us the code to apply security headers both at Front end (Angular) and Backend (Asp Net Core) , we can integrate those piece of code in our current application


I have written following code . So here I set Access token ExpireInSeconds property assigned to RefreshTokenExpiration value which is 365 days.

var accessToken = CreateAccessToken(await CreateJwtClaims(loginResult.Identity, loginResult.User, refreshTokenKey: refreshToken.key),new TimeSpan(365,1,1,1));

     return new AuthenticateResultModel
        AccessToken = accessToken,
        ExpireInSeconds = (int)_configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
        RefreshToken = refreshToken.token,
        RefreshTokenExpireInSeconds = (int)_configuration.RefreshTokenExpiration.TotalSeconds,
        EncryptedAccessToken = GetEncryptedAccessToken(accessToken),
        TwoFactorRememberClientToken = twoFactorRememberClientToken,
        UserId = loginResult.User.Id,
        TenantId = loginResult.Tenant?.Id,
        ReturnUrl = returnUrl,

Looks like AbpAuthorize is not validating this access token validity . can you pl confirm.

[AbpAuthorize] public async Task<LeadOpportunityDetailDto> GetOpportunityDetail(string OpportunityId)

hi Ismail,

Reopened this ticket again

We created a method which generates static token which is valid for 365 days by passign expiration time But, we can't use this token more than a day It is throwing error "Current user did not login to the application"

Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

Token error =>

Token Expiry date screenshot =>

Hi Isamil,

Any updates on this?

I already shared test account with [email protected] in last week.

Hi Ismail,

We are not getting token on negotiate In console, we are getting following

{negotiateVersion: 1, connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ",…} availableTransports: [{transport: "WebSockets", transferFormats: ["Text", "Binary"]},…] connectionId: "Ic0sCKP4k62GO0M2RBGwzQ" connectionToken: "tAcU-HSIIsCKWJSCozbpkQ" negotiateVersion: 1

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