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Activities of "peabmw"

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, was hoping that something like that existed.

Also for that solution to work I had to modify AuthConfigurer.cs so that the token is actually checked in url:

var path = context.HttpContext.Request.Path.Value;
if (path.Contains("/Chat/GetUploadedObject") || path.Contains("/Attachment/Download"))
    return SetToken(context, false);

I have found a workaround now that is working but it feels more like a bad hack.

I disabled authentication and set a breakpoint in my controller and checked cookies. I do indeed get a "Abp.AuthToken" sent to my controller.

But still when i enable authentication I get an error saying I have to sign in from AuthorizationHelper:

 if (!AbpSession.UserId.HasValue)
    throw new AbpAuthorizationException(
        LocalizationManager.GetString(AbpConsts.LocalizationSourceName, CurrentUserDidNotLoginToTheApplication")


I just posted a similar question on download which might help you out a bit:

Download works but I have the issue of not being able to set Authorization header.

Thank you

Nice, adding body works, thank you! Do you happen to know why that fix worked?

I have applied custom class to the component: <p-fileUpload styleClass="ui-fileupload-override" ...

Then setting a style in primeg.file-upload.less:

.ui-fileupload-override .ui-fileupload-buttonbar {
    background-color: green;

But this does not override style from theme.css:

I got it woking now just by adding !important :

.ui-fileupload-override .ui-fileupload-buttonbar {
    background-color: red!important;

Also tried ::ng-deep but was unable to get it to work, seem deprecated.

So I can override at least now, not sure if i'm doing it the right way though.

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