<input class="form-control m-input" id="MyEntity_MyDouble" value="@Model.MyEntity.MyDouble.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)" type="number" name="myDouble" />
Above solution worked for edit. But it didnt solved the "View"-page. In the same dropdown if i choose "View" instead, i get an error 500. With validation-error. I believe it must be some javascript-problem because it never hits the backend-code as i can see.
Any good solution to this?
Need help with updating an entity thats included as an ICollection. I believe this is a simple task, but my brain is refusing to collaborate with me.
var stuff = _myRepository.GetAll().Include(x => x.MyList).Where(c => c.Condition == true)
How do i update the included "MyList" above. I also need to include some conditions before update (if/else etc..). Also i want to update the "main"-entitie at the end.
foreach (Item item in stuff.MyList)
if (item == something)
// Update the entity.
Big thanks in advance.
Sure, its up now: https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/2117
But do you have any clue or solution to fix my problem with my already created entities and validationerror?
I have used the RAD-tool to build an entity that includes datatype Double. But when i click on the "View" or "Edit" button in the table i get Error 500. The view-action is saving validation error in the Audit-logs (Edit-action is not saving any error) that:
The value '2.3' is not valid for Volume. (data.Stuff.Volume)
This error occurs when swedish language is selected. When i change to English, the view is functioning.
Any ideas?
Are you running your app locally in Debug-mode? If i remember right, the mail-function dont actually send mail in debug-mode, only in production, by design.
Also got the exact same problem with errors on a complete new installation of 6.4 MVC Core.
When navigation to a page where entityhistory is included i get an syntax error in Internet Explorer(11.472.17134.0) and the page is not loading my tenants. The code it refers to is in file "aspnet-zero-core/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Mvc/wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/AppAreaName/Views/Tenants/Index.js":
function entityHistoryIsEnabled() {
return abp.custom.EntityHistory &&
abp.custom.EntityHistory.IsEnabled &&
_.filter(abp.custom.EntityHistory.EnabledEntities, entityType => entityType === _entityTypeFullName).length === 1;
Everuthing works flawlessly in Chrome without any errors.
Any idea?
ismcagdas, can you please provide some example, i dont really understand how to use your example?
I have tried to add:
<text name="Enum_Test_Type_Summer">Sommar</text>
For this Enum...
public class MyEnums
public enum Test_Type
[Display(Name = "Summer")]
But the strings will not be localized.....the values in the dropdown becomes: "Summer" instead of the wanted "Sommar"
Any idea how to customize the taghelper GetEnumSelectList to support that functionality and make localization possible?