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Activities of "pointlevel"


Thanks, just what i needed :)

Thanks aaron, my problem solved. I hope this solves the problem byeniceri has also.

I think the problem is that the TenantId is not saved to DB. When i try my multitenant app and the demo, the TenantId is null. This gives the same error.

Why is not TenantId saved to the DB when logged in as a tenant? The BinaryObject.cs has "IMayHaveTenant" with nullable Id. If i add the tenantId manually to the DB the image is shown correctly.

Thank you aaron simplicity is the best!

Can you please show me how to write that query where i get the current user, users OU´s including its children?


so i need to make an additional query for that? First get the logged in user, then the OUs for that user, and then the OUs again with children?

Yes, its fine that the problem is solved with 1.7.2, but i would prefer a presented solution for the "bug" in a paid solution for us that already used the tool, and dont want to overwrite existing customizations made. I believe that i should be able to fix this without re-generate the entity?

<input class="form-control m-input" id="MyEntity_MyDouble" value="@Model.MyEntity.MyDouble.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)" type="number" name="myDouble" />


Above solution worked for edit. But it didnt solved the "View"-page. In the same dropdown if i choose "View" instead, i get an error 500. With validation-error. I believe it must be some javascript-problem because it never hits the backend-code as i can see.

Any good solution to this?

Sure, its up now:

But do you have any clue or solution to fix my problem with my already created entities and validationerror?

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