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Activities of "pointlevel"


How can i make an ajax-call in AspnetZero to synchronously, se example below:

                    data: { Filter: 'KH' },
                    async: false // --------------- Doesnt work!
                .done(function (response) {}

Thanks, just what i needed :)



I have one modal that contains a datatable. I can press a button inside this modal to open another modal on top of the first one. My goal is to do a dataTable.ajax.reload(); when the second modal is closed. How do i fetch that event?

Im using the templates for creating the Modals, so modal-id is set programaticlly.

I can see there is something called onClose in the ModalManager API, but i cannot understand how to use it.


Thanks aaron, my problem solved. I hope this solves the problem byeniceri has also.

I think the problem is that the TenantId is not saved to DB. When i try my multitenant app and the demo, the TenantId is null. This gives the same error.

Why is not TenantId saved to the DB when logged in as a tenant? The BinaryObject.cs has "IMayHaveTenant" with nullable Id. If i add the tenantId manually to the DB the image is shown correctly.

Thank you aaron simplicity is the best!

Can you please show me how to write that query where i get the current user, users OU´s including its children?


so i need to make an additional query for that? First get the logged in user, then the OUs for that user, and then the OUs again with children?


How can i retrieve(Include) the Children as iCollection of OrganizationUnits when using this code from documentation?

            var user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(AbpSession.UserId.Value);
            var organizationUnits = await _userManager.GetOrganizationUnitsAsync(user);
            var organizationUnitIds = organizationUnits.Select(ou => ou.Id);

Yes, its fine that the problem is solved with 1.7.2, but i would prefer a presented solution for the "bug" in a paid solution for us that already used the tool, and dont want to overwrite existing customizations made. I believe that i should be able to fix this without re-generate the entity?

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