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Activities of "pointlevel"


How can i make an ajax-call in AspnetZero to synchronously, se example below:

                    data: { Filter: 'KH' },
                    async: false // --------------- Doesnt work!
                .done(function (response) {}


I have one modal that contains a datatable. I can press a button inside this modal to open another modal on top of the first one. My goal is to do a dataTable.ajax.reload(); when the second modal is closed. How do i fetch that event?

Im using the templates for creating the Modals, so modal-id is set programaticlly.

I can see there is something called onClose in the ModalManager API, but i cannot understand how to use it.



How can i retrieve(Include) the Children as iCollection of OrganizationUnits when using this code from documentation?

            var user = await _userManager.GetUserByIdAsync(AbpSession.UserId.Value);
            var organizationUnits = await _userManager.GetOrganizationUnitsAsync(user);
            var organizationUnitIds = organizationUnits.Select(ou => ou.Id);


Need help with updating an entity thats included as an ICollection. I believe this is a simple task, but my brain is refusing to collaborate with me.

var stuff = _myRepository.GetAll().Include(x => x.MyList).Where(c => c.Condition == true)

How do i update the included "MyList" above. I also need to include some conditions before update (if/else etc..). Also i want to update the "main"-entitie at the end.


foreach (Item item in stuff.MyList)
    if (item == something)
    // Update the entity.

Big thanks in advance.


I have used the RAD-tool to build an entity that includes datatype Double. But when i click on the "View" or "Edit" button in the table i get Error 500. The view-action is saving validation error in the Audit-logs (Edit-action is not saving any error) that:

The value '2.3' is not valid for Volume. (data.Stuff.Volume)

This error occurs when swedish language is selected. When i change to English, the view is functioning.

Any ideas?


When navigation to a page where entityhistory is included i get an syntax error in Internet Explorer(11.472.17134.0) and the page is not loading my tenants. The code it refers to is in file "aspnet-zero-core/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Mvc/wwwroot/view-resources/Areas/AppAreaName/Views/Tenants/Index.js":

function entityHistoryIsEnabled() {
            return abp.custom.EntityHistory &&
                abp.custom.EntityHistory.IsEnabled &&
                _.filter(abp.custom.EntityHistory.EnabledEntities, entityType => entityType === _entityTypeFullName).length === 1;

Everuthing works flawlessly in Chrome without any errors.

Any idea?



I need to use localization for my enums with annotation to use with dropdownlists, but i cant figure it out.

Aaron has described it like this:

public enum OrderByOptions
    [AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.Default")]
    [AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.PriceLowToHigh")]
    [AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.PriceHighToLow")]
    [AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.MostRecent")]

Copied from this post:

But i get validation error saying that this attribute is not valid on this declaration type, only valid on 'class, method, property, indexer, event' declarations.

Any solution? Thanks in advance!


Is there any way to use the prebuilt Settingsmanager to add settings specific to organizationUnits instead of just per user, host or tenant? I cant find any relevant documentation about it.



I have added a webService to my application. But when i try to use this service as Dependency Injection i get an error:

'MyApp.BilvisionService.BilvisionAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:
- Service 'BVServiceReference.WSCETestSoap' which was not registered.

How can i register this webService?

Kind regards!


I have extended the OrganizationUnit entity, and also added a reference (one-to-one) to another entity. The child entity inherits the filter, FullAuditedEntity. But when i delete the organizationUnit only the OrganizationUnit is softdeleted, nothing happens to the child entity. I have tried using both the OrganizationUnitManager and also my newly created Appservice for the extended entity for the delete task, but no difference.

public async Task DeleteMyExtendedOU(long id)
            await _myExtendedOURepository.DeleteAsync(id);
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