Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "shujat.munawar"

@ismcagdas Hi, I need help to import CSV file (comma separated delima) Can you provde any reference please ?

Hi, Thanks a lot for your response. I followed your instruction and moved the files and then publish. (Now not getting 400) Seems like there is something missing for Server side. You can see in the below link:

Please let me know if we missed to do any configuration Thanks

Hi @ismcagdas I am dong the following steps to deploy ASP.NET CORE AND ANGULAR (Single) Merged solution on single hosting but it didn't work:

  1. Build the project
  2. ng build --prod command to create a dist folder inside .Web.Host/wwwroot folder
  3. Import the Azure publish profile and deployed the .Web.Host project

After doing all these steps when deployement finished. It saying page not found

Please wuold you guide or tell me what am i doing worng


  • What is your product version? V 10.0.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? ASP.NET CORE AND ANGULAR (Single solution)
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET 5
  • What is the power tool version? V 2.7.6

I am looking to deploy/Publish the project (Single solution) to Azure hosting. Would you please share any guideline to follow on it please?

The solution is:

  1. Open the visual studio installer
  2. Click on Modify and check the checkmark for NET 2.2
  3. Let the update to finish and visual studio will restart After doing that try to create an entity or regenrate entity and you will see it works

@yekalkan When i try to run the above command i am getting that msg:

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