@ismcagdas Hi, I need help to import CSV file (comma separated delima) Can you provde any reference please ?
Hi, Thanks a lot for your response. I followed your instruction and moved the files and then publish. (Now not getting 400) Seems like there is something missing for Server side. You can see in the below link: https://staask-stage.azurewebsites.net/index.html
Please let me know if we missed to do any configuration Thanks
Hi @ismcagdas I am dong the following steps to deploy ASP.NET CORE AND ANGULAR (Single) Merged solution on single hosting but it didn't work:
After doing all these steps when deployement finished. It saying page not found https://staask-stage.azurewebsites.net/Error?statusCode=404
Please wuold you guide or tell me what am i doing worng
I am looking to deploy/Publish the project (Single solution) to Azure hosting. Would you please share any guideline to follow on it please?