Hi, I'm using MVC5AJ1.
Now, I'm referencing two articles, which are (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.cnblogs.com/sheng-jie/p/6755187.html#autoid-3-2-0">http://www.cnblogs.com/sheng-jie/p/6755 ... toid-3-2-0</a>) and (<a class="postlink" href="http://bitoftech.net/2014/06/01/token-based-authentication-asp-net-web-api-2-owin-asp-net-identity/">http://bitoftech.net/2014/06/01/token-b ... -identity/</a>). I'm trying to apply OAuth in abp and use it to receive token. And I'm wondering why the way to receive the current token in ABP and OAuth token are different. And also, I have made a comparison between the current token in ABP and OAuth token as image shown below.
[attachment=0:1br6odl9]Capture.PNG[/attachment:1br6odl9] 3. I'm wondering what does Protect method does?
return new AjaxResponse(OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Protect(ticket));
<cite>maliming: </cite> hi tteoh
Can you send us a project that can reproduce the problem? Email address: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Hi maliming, I have no idea why it's working now without the Error 400.
Thanks. /Tommy
<cite>maliming: </cite> Make sure PostMan Interceptor is not enabled.
Hi maliming,
Yup, it's not enabled.
Thanks. /Tommy
<cite>alper: </cite> Hi,
Show what you have done so far (request & response)
I totally follow the token based authentication part and get the error. I'm wondering why.
Thanks. /Tommy
Thanks for the reply.
Nope, I'm using POST. I was trying to login by using the URL of >http://localhost:6234/api/Account/Authenticate to login and get the token.
Thanks. /Tommy
Hi, I'm using MVC5AJ1.
I'm trying to send request by using Postman with following the [https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Development-Guide-Mvc-Angularjs#token-based-authentication]) here. But why am I getting Error 400?
Thanks. /Tommy
<cite>alirizaadiyahsi: </cite> Dublicate of #3507
But how can I set returnUrl manually, or redirect it in login action in Asp.net Core Angular application that I want the user to end up in?
I'm using Asp.net Core Angular. I set .Web.Public project as startup project. After that, I run the application and the application will launched the main page( <a class="postlink" href="https://imgur.com/2XeNTGZ">https://imgur.com/2XeNTGZ</a> ). Then, I go through login page to login. But why after I login to the application, that application has didn't route me to dashboard screen and route me to the same main page( <a class="postlink" href="https://imgur.com/baSM6op">https://imgur.com/baSM6op</a> )??
But if I direct to browse <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:4200">http://localhost:4200</a> in my browser and login user, then it will route me to the dashboard screen.
<cite>alirizaadiyahsi: </cite> This is by desing. I you donwload MVC you can not see Angular and if you download Angular, then you can not see MVC project.
You can see all of them on github.
Because I reading the article's structure layer and it has mentioned what is .Web.MVC project (<a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Develo">https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Develo</a> ... ure-layers), So I thought asp.net core must have .Web.MVC project. Thanks.