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Version 5 - some problems #4401

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clusterkiller created

Hello everyone,

I am using Zero version 4.
Now I upgraded to V5 and have some problems. I was able to solve some of them (therefore I write the solution for others) and some of them I could not. Here I hope for help from the forum.

By the way, my "upgrade" looks like I'm using a new version and reprogramming all changes (entities etc.) manually. In my opinion, a simple "migration" is not possible.

First of all, I have to say that I updated all versions of my development environment to the latest version and meet all requirements (according to my knowledge).

I only use the web solution (no IOS/Andoid) with ASP.NET Core & jQuery (no angular but with .net Framework) with Version 5.0.5
Since I used a new installation as a basis, the problems should be reproducible.

Problem 1:
A simple compilation was not possible on the fly, because some projects did not have a "valid". net framework.
The same problem as: #4374@62712454-6d08-4872-a35a-c3a6eda98e64

Solution: Visual Studio seems to gray out the drop-down if you want to use multiple frameworks. Simply change the parameter <TargetFrameworks> in the Files Application.Shared.csproj and Core.Shared.csproj to <TargetFramework> (without "s").

Problem 2:
When opening the HostSettings page, I get the following error:
InvalidTimeZoneException: "Sudan Standard Time" was not recognized as a valid IANA time zone name, or has no equivalant Windows time zone.
TimeZoneConverter.TZConvert.IanaToWindows(string ianaTimeZoneName)

The only thing I found on the net was that Sudan changed its time zone 4 weeks ago.
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... an-and-ton</a>

Solution: no idea :-(

Problem 3:
At the first start I immediately noticed that various javascript and icons etc. did not work.

Solution: The lib folder is not created in the MVC project. In the public project, however, it is error-free. I solved the problem by starting gulp manually so that the gulpfile was processed.

Problem 4:
In the mvc project Iam not able to compile the css files. I tried Web Compiler -> Re-compile. Web-Compiler Output is: Web Compiler found an error in compilerconfig.json
Not more messages or errors. But I must also say that I have no experience with the Web Compiler.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I really need to get rid of the (my opinion) ugly purple ;-). I changed the brand-color in _config.scss (metronic documentation)

Solution: no idea :-(

Generally speaking, you notice that version 5 was released very quickly. The complete documentation is still very far behind.
(The documentary still talks about projects with .web etc., but in the meantime there are MVC, Core and Public).
Also the initial topic with the connection strings etc.. (4x appsettings.json)

However, this is rather a smaller "clean-up work". An experienced programmer should have no problems with this.

The product is still absolutely awesome. I think that the small problems will be solved professionally by support as usual.

Best regards


10 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    Problem 2:
    When opening the HostSettings page, I get the following error:
    InvalidTimeZoneException: "Sudan Standard Time" was not recognized as a valid IANA time zone name, or has no equivalant Windows time zone.
    TimeZoneConverter.TZConvert.IanaToWindows(string ianaTimeZoneName)

    The only thing I found on the net was that Sudan changed its time zone 4 weeks ago.

    Solution: no idea :-(

    Solution: Install KB4051956 on the Windows computer. (Source)

    Problem 4:
    In the mvc project Iam not able to compile the css files. I tried Web Compiler -> Re-compile. Web-Compiler Output is: Web Compiler found an error in compilerconfig.json
    Not more messages or errors. But I must also say that I have no experience with the Web Compiler.
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I really need to get rid of the (my opinion) ugly purple ;-). I changed the brand-color in _config.scss (metronic documentation)

    Solution: no idea :-(

    Related issue:

  • User Avatar
    skinnerjames created

    @clusterkiller- We are preparing to do the same upgrade that you mentioned but are using the angular version. Are you willing to share your opinion on the best and most efficient approach for this task? We are relatively far along in development and spent roughly 3 weeks upgrading from V3-V4. Best regards.

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    mumfie created

    <cite>skinnerjames: </cite>
    @clusterkiller- We are preparing to do the same upgrade that you mentioned but are using the angular version. Are you willing to share your opinion on the best and most efficient approach for this task?

    My recomendation is to keep a working copy of the project before the upgrade for comparison. I encountered a few issues upgrading the JQuery/Core version e.g. Datagrid paging on Modals, UI format changes.

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    bbakermmc created

    Just follow this guide.
    <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -268093697</a>

    I basically made a new branch for v5 then moved each app service over individually because you will most likely need to update your HTML for BS4 instead of BS3

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    nova3interactiva created

    <cite>aaron: </cite>

    Problem 4:
    In the mvc project Iam not able to compile the css files. I tried Web Compiler -> Re-compile. Web-Compiler Output is: Web Compiler found an error in compilerconfig.json
    Not more messages or errors. But I must also say that I have no experience with the Web Compiler.
    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. But I really need to get rid of the (my opinion) ugly purple ;-). I changed the brand-color in _config.scss (metronic documentation)

    Solution: no idea :-(

    Related issue:

    This link sin't working anymore. We are in the same situation, can't change purple color.

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    You need to login with your GitHub account to access the private repo.
    You can invite yourself here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

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    nova3interactiva created

    <cite>aaron: </cite>
    You need to login with your GitHub account to access the private repo.
    You can invite yourself here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

    Sorry to ask it here but when i'm logged in i cant see any forums in any section:
    <a class="postlink-local" href="">index.php</a> >> "This board has no forums."

    <a class="postlink-local" href="">viewforum.php?f=4</a> >> "You are not authorised to read this forum."

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @Nova3interactiva can you send an email to <a href=""></a> about this problem ?


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    mmukkara created

    For Problem 4:
    How do we change the Metronic purple color to something else in Angular project.


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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @mmukkara,

    In AspNet Zero, we directly use metronic's compiled css files.


    Metronic 5 has a built system. I'm not %100 sure but I think you can change base colors in metronic's source code (under src folder) in *.saas files and then you can compile it again.

    After all, you can use newly generated "styles.css" and "style.bundle.css" files.
    You can check Metronic's documentation for how to compile it.