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Minified Script loaded on development #8027

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Siyeza created

I have this on my index.cshtml

BUT I have noticed that 'Index.min.js' is being loaded on Development mode. How do I come around this. See below


19 Answer(s)
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    Siyeza created

    Anyone who can assist with this??

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    The js file will not be uglify in the development environment.

    BUT I have noticed that 'Index.min.js' is being loaded on Development mode

    This is the abp-src tag helper design.

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    Siyeza created

    see below


    my page.PNG

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    Have you executed the npm run create-bundles command?

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    Siyeza created

    yes I did

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    What is your product version?

    By default all js in the view-resources directory will be processed by gulp and generate min.js

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    Siyeza created


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    maliming created
    Support Team


    Can you share your code? I can check it locally. Or you can use Zero's Demo project to reproduce the problem.

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    Siyeza created

    please send me your microsoft linked email.

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    maliming created
    Support Team
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    Siyeza created

    U must have recieved an invite

    1. Get the 'phase_one' branch

    2. PolicyHolders -> Index.cshtml -> change the line below and put abp-src
      <script src="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/PolicyHolders/Index.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

    delete the .min.js file and try to run

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    maliming created
    Support Team

    I cannot reproduce the problem you mentioned.


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    Siyeza created

    I think we are not understanding each other. Let me try and explain again. It is not that I do not have the minified script file. The problem I am having is that, below is the line on my index.cshtml file.

    <script abp-src="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/PolicyHolders/Index.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

    This is supposed to load 'index.js' not 'index.min.js' in development. To emulate what I am saying, delete that 'index.min.js' and then run the app how ever you running it. When I do, I get this below.


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    maliming created
    Support Team

    hi siyeza

    This is the abp-src tag helper design. It will replace the src content of the script from xx.js to xx.min.js

    Because xx.js will be automatically ugly into xx.min.js. (by npm run create-bundles )

    But in the development environment, the content of xx.min.js is the same as xx.js and will not be ugly. In the production environment, the content of xx.min.js will be compressed & ugly.

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    Siyeza created

    Hi Maliming, I understand all this above, what I am asking is, locally or in development, how do I run my solution and load xx.js NOT xx.min.js?

    From the screen above clearly as I am running on localhost (xx.min.js) is being loaded.

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    maliming created
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    By design, AspNet Zero always loads "xx.min.js". When you run "npm run create-bundles" (this command is for development time usage), the content of "xx.min.js" will not be minified.

    When you run "npm run build" (this command is designed for production usage), content of "xx.min.js" will be minified.

    I hope it is clear.

    If you want to change that behaviour, you can modify in your project.

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    Siyeza created

    "abp-src" after updating these files, should I still use this "abp-src"

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    ISTeam created

    The solution to change from "abp-src" to "src" is right for normal pages.

    For widgets as we are defining widget with specific min.js file only as target in DashboardCustomization.cs file.
    So, here we have to make changes in min file and after we are done we need to copy the changes back in regular .js file to be committed to git.

    Is there any work around in the case of Widget?
    As we have 15 widgets and its hard for front end/UX developer to remember and copy any changes related to widgets.