ng build --prod
13% building 31/40 modules 9 active ...rc\DNEthan.Web.Host\node_modules\famfamfam-flags\dist\sprite\famfamfam-flags.css
7 Answer(s)
might want to consider deleting node_modules forlder and re-run npm install then ng build --prod
npm start 15% building 47/69 modules 22 active ... build time under 2 minutes.
My build time improved significantly after upgrading to i7 CPU, SSD, and faster SRAM.
AMD Ryzen 2700x , SSD, and faster SRAM.
It takes about 3 minutes.
ng build --prod
done deleting and install npm still it takes me 10-15 minutes to build
Intel I7 32GB RAM
@troyfernando - building is a disk-intensive process. Upgrading from HDD to SSD made all the difference for me.
found this
ng build --prod --build-optimizer false --aot false
seems to be faster takes only 1 - 2 minutes to build
Hi @troyfernando
I think it is acceptable. Please create another issue if you face any other problems.