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Activities of "BobIngham"

10.4.0 Angular, .NET Core

I have a queryable which I return to a Kendo DataSourceResult object for paging and querying for a grid:

private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository

public IQueryable<NcFormSubmissionForKendoGridDto> GetFormSubmissionsForNcActionAudit()
            var query = from formSubmission in _ncFormSubmissionRepository.GetAll()
                        join ncAction in _ncActionRepository.GetAll() on formSubmission.NcActionId equals ncAction.Id
                        join user in _userRepository.GetAll() on formSubmission.CreatorUserId equals user.Id
                        join ncEntity in _ncEntityRepository.GetAll() on formSubmission.NcEntityId equals ncEntity.Id
                        join organizationUnit in _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll() on ncEntity.OrganizationUnitId equals organizationUnit.Id
                        select new NcFormSubmissionForKendoGridDto
                            Id = formSubmission.Id,
                            CreationTime = formSubmission.CreationTime,
                            ClientCreatedDatetime = formSubmission.ClientCreatedDatetime,
                            ReportString = formSubmission.ReportString,
                            SerializedJson = formSubmission.SerializedJson,
                            CreatedByFullName = user.UserName,
                            NcActionDisplayName = ncAction.DisplayName,
                            NcEntityDisplayName = ncEntity.DisplayName,
                            OrganizationUnitDisplayName = organizationUnit.DisplayName,
            return query;

Ideally I would like the full name of the user: CreatedByFullName = user.FullName However this throws the following error message:

Translation of member 'FullName' on entity type 'User' failed. This commonly occurs when the specified member is unmapped. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.

Is this a bug or is there anything which can be done about it? I could iterate the data after converting to a DataSourceResult but thought there may be a cleaner way.

Cheers, Bob

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks for the answer, I was looking to find the date format of the current tenant but I think you have pointed me in the correct direction:

format: dt.setLocale(;

Closing this as this is ok for my needs.

Cheers, Bob

aspnet zero 6.8.0, .net framework 4.6.0, .net core 2.2, angular

I am currently in the process of upgrading to the latest version but have a couple of jobs before it is released. Currently I have use this code to format some of my datetime strings: format: '{0:dd/MM/yyyy}' Given that culture is changed when a language is changed is there any way to find the the date format for the tenant or the current session in Angular? For example, when using Kendo grid I have to cast all dates back to javascript dates so I first grab the tenant timezone before doing so: let tenantTimezone = abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId; Then I can carry out the following: if (d.deletionTime) { d.deletionTime = new Date(moment(d.deletionTime).tz(tenantTimezone).format()); } It's a pain but that's the way it is with Kendo... Is there any way I can grab the current date time format: let currentdateTimeFormat = ????? so I can format my dates accordingly: format: currentdateTimeFormat

I hope that makes sense, I wanted to ask this question now as work on upgrading is on-going and this useful information to know. Thanks in advance, Bob

Issue opened on github: date and time formats

Zero 10.4.0, Angular, .NetCore 5.0

How do I set date and time formats? I always understood it was decided by the language selection which also (I believe) sets the current culture. As a test, on a fresh install of Zero go to Admin -> Users and select any of the languages, the date format in the Creation Time column never changes. Am I missing something or is this a hangover of the Luxon implementation? Let me know if this is a bug and I will open an issue in github.

Also, on the language drop-down there are two implementations of English, which is at it should be. However, one uses the English flag (as it should) and one uses the British Flag - should this be a USA flag?

Cheers, Bob

Hi Musa,

Thanks for this, I had some modified entries in my database which were being loaded after I changed default values hence the confusion. There appear to be some unpredicatable consequences of using Chart.js canvas with a height setting so I will close this issue but may come back for some furthern clarification. Great work on the customizable dashboard, however, I am upgrading from 6.8.0 and this is one of the features I wanted to start working with. It's a pleasure to work with if you follow the instructions to te letter. Great Job!

Cheers, Bob

Perfect, thanks.

Hi Guys,

Try the abp.session object:

Cheers, Bob

Zero 10.4.0, .NETCore 5, Abp 6.40

Can someone tell me how customizable dashboard settings are loaded? In a development project trying to implement these I followed the instructions at the Customizable Dashboard page. Which seems to miss the all-important step of adding a new widget to the AppSettingProvider. When I ran my project my new widget was never in the settings.

To investigate further I reverted back to a standard 10.4.0 install with no changes.

I changed the setting of one widget from a height of 4 to 2 and width of 12 to 4.

I then run my project and put a breakpoint on where these settings are passed after the GetAll command:

Then I capture the response from the GetAll command in my network tab and paste into jsonviewer:

Why have the changes not been loaded into settings? My database is clear of any settings at this stage so surely the default value should be loaded? How do i add a new dashboard widget to my settings, am I missing something?

Any help appreciated.

Cheers, Bob

v10.4.0, Angular, .NET Core 5.0, Abp 6.4.0 (I think)

Referring to this entry which seems to be unresolved: Disable logging all SQL statements On a clean install I have these entries in the log file: This is far too verbose especially when I use Application Insights for log analysis. How do I switch the option off?

Cheers, Bob

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