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Activities of "TimMackey"

The answer seems to be that the all selections in the User Interface group are unselected.

I'm trying to identify a path for implementation. Could you please answer my questions? Thank you.

You say "However, this is based on the Abp vNEXT framework." What's the catch? I do understand the vNext isn't yet officially released, but that's not a sufficient barrier for creating documentation pages. Unless it really isn't production ready.

Can I use the npm package in the current release of AspNetZero? Is it recommended I use the npm package as a separate solution, independent of my AspNetZero solution? Should I wait until AspNetZero integrates Abp vNEXT framework? And if so, what is the planned release date? It would be helpful if you could identify some possible paths for implementation. Thank you.

Using version 6.2.0 as released - no modifications.

Create new user:

Login as 'Default' tenant, 'admin' user. Edit role: User

Login as 'Default' tenant, 'newusername' user. Open menu sidebar.

DB tables:


GUI Generator:

User Interface:

  • how do each of the selections affect the generated code?
  • what is the difference between "User Interface" and "View Only Modal"?
  • how does unselecting all checkboxes affect the output?


  • does "Add migration" create a migration in <MYPROJ>.EntityFrameWork project?
  • does "Update Database" run 'Update-Database' in the Package Manager Console?
  • what happens if no selection is made?

Multi Tenancy:

  • how is the output affected for Host and Tenant selections?
  • what happens (or doesn't happen) if no selection is made?

Please consider forwarding the suggestion to Metronic. I assume ASPNETZERO is a customer of significance for Metronic, and therefore they may take your suggestion more seriously than someone who is not a customer. Thank you.


The documentation is inadequate.

What is the relationship between selections in the GUI generator dialog to the templates? What do selections in the GUI generator dialog do? How is output affected? What values are substituted for tags in the templates? Where is the description and explanation for all tags? How are MainTemplate, PartialTemplates, and TemplatInfo used?

The present method of Trial-and-Error is a HUGE waste of the community's collective time.

The number of logo files is not important. I'm requesting that the filenames be defined in the same file somewhere. Locating items that are likely to be customized to a single location would be preferrable to scattering them across the system.

I've expended considerable effort designing my customized implementation of ANZ to minimize the impact of merging upgrades. Please consider what your customers may encounter for every upgrade cycle. Thank you.

The condition cleared up later in the day. This appears to have been a temporary condition.

I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I am not experiencing any issues with compiling or executing. Downloaded as ASP.NET CORE & Angular, Single Solution UNCHECKED, .NET Core 2.1. Built solution and executed x.Web.Host. 'yarn' and 'npm start' in 'angular' folder. No observable issues.

Showing 211 to 220 of 285 entries