**Issue 1: **
In the past, i asked some of my developers to remove features in the portal. For example, the language drop down and the recaptcha feature.
This worked fine until I asked them to upgrade to the latest template. Apparently, they commented out lines in the templates to remove the features I requested. In all, I found that they made over 70 changes to the templates. This results in a lot of work and testing, every time we want to upgrade.
So these changes are of two types, ones that are specific to my application and ones that are general. I would put the language dropdown in the general category.
In the case of recaptch, there is ngIf="useCaptcha" in register.coponent.html, and a typeScript method that calls 'App.UserManagement.useCaptchaOnRegistration'.
I thought this might be an undocumented pattern and I searched for "App.UserManagement". I found very few features settings to use.
I can’t find any documentation for this or any references as to best practices for enabling or disabling features in the portal.
Q: Is there any documentation on this? What is the recommended way to make modifications to template pages that will be updated?
Issues 2: I also see that some features are simply hidden from the use through the use of changes to style sheets. For example in the AppUiCusomizationService.ts, various styles are enabled when isLeftMenu() is true or false.
Again, i can’t find any documentation on this and im not sure how to use it.
Q: is this usable by end users or is it an internal feature?
Issues 3: Another issue is, how to add new modules to the system. We found that since we were adding many new pages, it would best to have these pages be located outside of the app, admin or main directory’s. This way we could just copy over one directory that contains all of the pages and a routing-module for these company-specific routes.
In addition, we created another directory that’s outside of the app folder for pages that do not need the branding and left side menus. So for these two changes we just need to copy over new directory and add a new path in the root-routing-module.ts and the app-routing-module.ts. But again, two more changes to make every time.
Q: We're not experienced angular developers. So i ask, is there a better way to do this?
In general, with new versions of template coming out every few weeks, it's very difficult to customize the portal, for the needs of my customers, when I don’t know how the system supports customization of existing controls.
I hope im wrong and there is a set of techniques that i'm unaware of.
I have some ideas for how this might be implemented if it does not exist.
if you build with these flags the size goes way down.
ng --prod=true --optimization=true --aot
I've been having some problems using the --aot flag due to compilation issues.
I assume you wanted us to look at
That does not address this issue.
Our issue is: This proccess creates a single migration, but we have an existing database that we want to migrate.
If your using .net core on ubontu, its clear that your NOT going to use sqlserver.
Also, as you migrate between versions of templates we also need migrations to upgrade existing databases.
Are you planning on provding migrations for mysql?
for my version of angular CLI the --env is not valid but you can use --configuration.
Also will setting ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT change the use of appsettings.json ??
We're using Angular 7 and TypeScript and found that VS Code is a really fast way to get up and running. Typescript debugging worked immediatly and the editor is really fast. We've decided to continue to run Visual Studio for debugging the backend and use VS Code to launch and debug the front end.
The problem were having is. How to intergrate with the appsettings.{variable}.json and appconfig.{variable}.json? This works perfectly in Visual Studio but but VS Code see's them as seperate files.
If we have a single file for appsettings.json and appconfig.json everything works. But then each develeloper must update everything everytime you update from source control. As usual, you forget something and spend 10 min tracking it down.
So today we attempted to use angular.json > configurations > fileReplacments but we cant get it working, and even it it was to work, it would never support the inheritance of properys between the appsettings.json and the appsettings.{variable}.json.
Anyone have any suggestions??
I understand that major release might require us to merge since 100's of files change.
Why cant ASPNETZERO provide delta's for minor point releases?
Im a aspnetzero nube but im trying to determine, if i see something on the screen, what file in html or ts is used to generate it.
For example, it took 10 minutes to trackdown that the toolbar at the top of every page came from topbar.component.html.
The page name is appropiate, but it still took a while to find it.
Quesiton: is there a reference guide that list of these major files, what they do and where they can be found.
In the Topbar.component.html i see that the chat feature can be enabled or disabled on a page by setting
<li *ngIf="chatEnabled && !chatConnected" class="m-nav__item m-topbar__notifications m-topbar__notifications--img m-dropdown m-dropdown--large m-dropdown--header-bg-fill m-dropdown--arrow m-dropdown--align-center m-dropdown--mobile-full-width">
In the typescript class the definition of chatEnabled is
`get chatEnabled(): boolean {
return (!this._abpSessionService.tenantId || this.feature.isEnabled('App.ChatFeature'));
So if i set App.ChatFeature to false in appsetting.json then the chat feature on the page should be made invisible.
Question: is there a reference guide that shows me all of the App.XXXXXX variables that can be set to configure what features are visible on a page?
Also, is there a reference that shows what are all of the cusomizations provided using the Pages.Administration.UiCustomization that i found in
Topbar.component.html :190 *ngIf="!isGranted('Pages.Administration.UiCustomization')
When i visit this setting in Administration > Roles > User > Edit User Role.
I dont see an option for UiCustomization.?????
Does this mean that there is a place where this is set staticly in code? or is it dynamic at runtime??
Hello, i have created the issue now
[Google oauth with implicit flow instead of popup #2107](https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/2107)