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Hello, thanks for your reply

We are not using the website only as an authenticator between gmail and out app, we provide access to the netzero website in an embedded browser on our app, the user has to interact with pages on the website from within the ios app

Also we allow the user to create a new account on the netzero website using oauth from gmail or microsoft, this is working on the previous version of the site with js

Are you aware of why the redirect or implicit flow scenario is not supported for Angular and Google? it seems to work fine on the previous version

will repost correct reponse soon.

Hi, thanks for the reply, i was logged in but i don't know how to get access to aspnetzero, if this something i need to request somewhere?

Hi, unfortunately the url you shared leads to a 404 error

Also the following urls went to 404


Hi, we have a couple questions

  1. For Gmail oAuth, we want to support a mobile application which connects to our netzero website, we noticed the website uses a popup to ask for the login credentials, since popups are not possible in the same way on iOS, we want to know if you have support out of the box for iOS and how to enable it, if possible

  2. Current approach To allow our mobile app to login to the website:

  • We have enabled google authentication to authenticate the users.
  • When we use Google authentication using redirect mode. It just returned the same base url with queryparams such as scope , Id_token , login_hint , client_id .
  • PROBLEM: This approach does not get the user created and does not callback the method for authenticate “googleLoginStatusChangeCallback()” from login.service.ts. a. Why the behavior changes when using the “redirect” mode? b. We enabled authentication mode redirect using ux_mode:’redirect’ property inside “gapi.load('client:auth2')”. This works on the mobile app and we get requested the email and password, after that we never get the expected behavior on the web app as we did when login with the popup on a full Chrome web browser c. Reverting to popup, User gets authenticated and account created, however this mode doesn’t work on mobile because of the popup

And also inside login.component.ts , inside ngOnInit() method there is only code for ‘openIdConnect’ for executing the callback method. Its not there for Google. Is this expected, where should we look for the google callback after authentication, if using the “redirect” mode?

Environment Details:

  • We are using Zero framework version 6.1 with Angular 6 for our web application
  • The web application runs on a Linux or Windows server
  • On our mobile app we only display the login page and a few other pages from the web app, i'm not sure the app has to run something inside the mobile app to fully be able to connect from mobile->web app and web app->mobile?
  • Our app uses the iOS browser, we don’t do any special handling or override
  • We had this working for version 5 with javascript, the same configuration but for the current version is not working on iOS, is there a guide we can use for this?


We need to support both mobile apps and web browsers, either embedded or standalone

Thanks for your help



For the OpenID integration with Azure B2C, i was not able to get it working since from the sample i have seen the config file is missing some of the settings we require

Our particular scenario is as follows:

  • We require an Office 365 account
  • We don't want to create an account and send a validation email so the account is fully created, we want to just authorize the user to verify the email is valid and user is able to login. We have done this on the previous netzero web app version with oAuth
  • On the appsettings file, how would we specify which workflow to run? 'signin' for example is the only one we intend to use

Are you able to provide a sample on how to configure openID connect for the specific case of Azure B2C? since there are other OpenID servers but the MS Azure implementation doesn't seem to be supported out of the box

On my test, this is how i set up the openId configuration however it did not work

"OpenId": { "IsEnabled": "true", "Authority": "", "ClientId": "xxxxxx-xxxxxx", "ClientSecret": "xxxxxxxxx" "LoginUrl": "" }

Is this the correct Authority URL? It is not clear what we should have on LogingURL Are there any other settings missing?

This configuration results in this error thrown on the web site, "Error in initImplicitFlow", which it seems to be caused by using the wrong user flow to authorize with the server?

I see this error if i look at the development console in Chrome, however there are no errors printed on the log file

angular-oauth2-oidc.js:1007 Error in initImplicitFlow (anonymous) @ angular-oauth2-oidc.js:1007 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke @ zone.js:388 onInvoke @ core.js:3820 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invoke @ zone.js:387 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/ @ zone.js:138 (anonymous) @ zone.js:872 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask @ zone.js:421 onInvokeTask @ core.js:3811 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask @ zone.js:420 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask @ zone.js:188 drainMicroTaskQueue @ zone.js:595 push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask @ zone.js:500 invokeTask @ zone.js:1540 globalZoneAwareCallback @ zone.js:1566

As an alternative, could we use Azure B2C with Open ID Connect? Is this a supported scenario?

I looked on the documentation but i don't see any references to this approach so if you have some advice on it please let us know. Is it worth trying or would it be a dead end?

How long before it will be implemented? We did a lot of work to get things working on angular 2 and now we dont have Microsoft oauth support???

We're dead in the water!

Two months of work converting to angular 2 for nothing.

Can we add it?

Hello, we are using Angular

The runtime environment is

Ubuntu Linux 18.04 .Net Core 2.1 runtime App is behind an Nginx instance, working fine for everything except MS Auth, not sure if this could be a problem? On the MS website the app is registered with the external https url we are using for our test machine, which loads correctly for the website with standard login for admin but not for ms authentication

We found there is a comment on the sources saying ms support is not completed yet, is this still true?

But the issue on github is from 2016, so not sure if the comment is there now because still alive or was just not removed at the time the issue got fixed



Hello, i'm trying to enable Microsoft authentication on a netcore app

I created a web app on and a password which i'm using along with the app id to set the configuration on the appsettings.json file for my web app

I have enabled Microsoft auth and i can see the login button for it but when i click on it i don't see anything happening, looking at the logs under App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt i don't see any errors.

A few questions

  • Is Microsoft Auth support completely implemented? I can see on this page "OK (Facebook, Google)" Under the "Social Logins " row, but not Microsoft or Twitter, does it mean it is not supported yet?
  • The support for MS auth is through oAuth2?
  • Is the ConsumerSecret value a password for the app? Or what is the expected value on this field?

My auth section looks like this

"Microsoft": { "IsEnabled": "true", "ConsumerKey": "my app id", "ConsumerSecret": " the password for my app" }, Is this the right way to configure Microsoft auth support?

Since there are no errors logged both on the log file or the web page or on the developer console in chrome i don't have much to work with, any advice would be extremelly helpful

Thanks for your help

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