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Some details about my dto in question are as follows: There are approximately 50 properties. The types are decimal?, List<int>, string, int?, bool?, DateTime, and NumericComparisonOperator.

NumericComparisonOperator is defined as follows:

namespace SomeNamspace.Common.Dto
    /// <summary>
    /// NumericComparisonOperator
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// NumericComparisonOperator specifies accepted values for numeric comparison operators
    /// </remarks>
    public enum NumericComparisonOperator
        LessThan = -2,
        LessThanEqualTo = -1,
        Equal = 0,
        GreaterThanEqualTo = 1,
        GreaterThan = 2

Note, it is interesting that the NumericComparisonOperator enum is present in the service-proxies.ts file.

I have also tried removing the IShouldNormalize interface, and the associated Normalize method with no change in the proxy file.

Unfortunately, I do not think this will be possible. Is there an alternative that you could suggest?

Yes, the method is listed in the interface for this service.

Version: 7.0.0 Angular/.Net Core

dto class is defined as follows:

public class MyLargeDto : PagedAndSortedInputDto, IShouldNormalize {
      public void Normalize()
            if (Sorting.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                Sorting = "Id ASC";
        //lots of properties, some are string, bool? and other primitives, other are based off of other classes

nswag/refresh.bat is working fine for other API methods and dto's.

Yes, after running nswag, the service-proxies file is generated and many services and other dto's are present in the file. However, there is one in particular that is not being generated in the file. The signature of the API method has all of the properties of the DTO as parameters, as opposed to one parameter being the DTO. Upon searching the service-proxies.ts file, I find that the dto is not present at all. This is the issue I am looking to resolve.

What specifically allows DTO classes to be auto-generated in the service-proxies.ts file? I have an input DTO that is used as a parameter in an API method. The signature on the Angular side has all of the DTO properties broken out separately in the signature as opposed to allowing an object to be passed to the API. There are a large number of properties on this DTO and is not convenient to specify each one and ensure they are all in the right order for the service calls in Angular.

Where can I initialize a singleton class at application startup that has access to configuration (connection string) and Application Services? To give some background, my team is working to integrate a package from Examples of the package integrated in ABP/Angular stack do not show how to integrate with an existing API. I am working on integrating the package using ABP DI and exisitng framework to initialize the Singleton instance of the WorkflowManager. It needs to be initialized somewhere that I have access to my application services and configuration, so that I can use DI to pass in the required services.

To possibly phrase my question in a different way, I am looking for best practice on how to cache a large list of items returned from a base query. I mentioned Redis because when I changed from InMemory cache to use the Redis server, the performance suffered quite a bit. I then realized it was storing the cached list as a really long string representing the serialized objects. I have seen that you can save objects as a List vs. a String, but do not see any examples of implementation in your documentation, which I had already read.

What is the best way to cache the results of a query that would contain potentially tens of thousands of records? The use case is that a search listing screen would call the API where the base results are cached, retrieve the results, filtered based on user input, and return the filtered data to the user. The current implementation is saving the result set as an extremely long string and the performance is significantly worse than not using caching at all. In fact, from the Azure Redis Cache, it is taking ~2.8s to return the cached string. Note that a much simpler, and smaller cache was setup as a baseline and it seems to perform as expected, in that the response time was slightly faster than if no cache was used.. Please advise.

The Asp.Net Core and jQuery version? What about future support of say React or VUE?

Showing 11 to 20 of 41 entries