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Activities of "dev_frontrush"

Are there any plans to abort future support of the Core jQuery / js version of Zero?

I have a custom exception class that uses UserFriendlyException as a base class; how can I read from the localized files?

Hello again,

In keeping up with the updates from Zero releases, we ran into a road-block on being able to customize and tweak the Metronic themes due to merge-conflicts that could arise from theme changes that were made for the newest version. This will probably continue to be an ongoing conflict, as newer implementation strategies might change some components and theme items, so we were wondering what we could do on our side to make these merges easier going forward regarding customizing the theme.

  • There was an idea about duplicating components we wanted changed and referencing the HTML files or items for those components from the TS files supplied (but this falls back into conflict if logic changes are ever introduced)
  • Compiling the final theme and all overrides and appending the CSS last when loading the application (but could fall to specificity and CSS engine parsing)

Any ideas or solutions that would allow someone to create and use a Custom Metronic theme/style (even if through the MetronicThemeChanger) to cut down on customization conflicts when merging major releases.



I have a proxy service that gets a byte array (file contents) and want the user to be able to download it. This looks like it worked at one time ( but the temp folder was removed. How to do this?

The proxy service is in the Application project and inherits from the AppServiceBase. The proxy service gets files from S3 and returns them to other services in the Application project as a byte array. They are secure files and must have a specific permission to download. The proxy service could be moved as it is not publicly available / marked as internal and will only be used by other services that inherit from the ApplicationServiceBase class.

The other services need to be able to push the byte array as one of the MimeTypeNames to the user to download the file.

This seems like one of the most basic needs of a web application but I can't find a solution. Am I overlooking something?

Angular + Core 6.9 and 7.0


A developer on our team is getting an error about having an open data reader but it only happens in their development environment. We have a base class that inherits the AppNameAppServiceBase class and makes use of the GetCurrentUser() and GetCurrentTenant() base class methods. It seems like they are running multiple debugging instances or something similar and/or their local database configuration may be specific where either pooling isn't configured or??? The odd part is the debugger doesn't catch the exception it just silently fails with a 500 error from the inheriting ServiceNameAppService. Below is an example/similar class:

/// <summary>
/// SomeApplicationServiceBase
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Base class for services that require a tenant and an active other entity.
/// </remarks>
public abstract class RequiredEntityApplicationServiceBase : AppNameAppServiceBase
    // the other entity is a junction table between the AbpUsers and the other application entity
    protected readonly IRepository<UserRequiredEntity> _otherEntityRepository;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    public RequiredEntityApplicationServiceBase(IRepository<UserRequiredEntity> userRequiredEntityRepository)
        this._userRequiredEntityRepository = userRequiredEntityRepository;

    protected virtual RequiredEntity GetRequiredEntity()
        RequiredEntity requiredEntity = null;
        // Fails here silently with DataReader currently open exception
        var user = this.GetCurrentUser();

        return requiredEntity;

    public int TenantId
            return this.GetCurrentTenant().Id;

    public int RequiredEntityId
            return this.GetRequiredEntity().Id;

Any ideas? Should the UserManager and AbpSession be injected into the base?

Something you may also/should want to look at is your indexing within Sql Server. Using EF code first is great but if you have not done any additional performance reviews specifically on the db with indexing, you don't have a lot of index additions in your db context generator already, you will be very surprised (and happily so) when you do.

Code first doesn't mean you don't need someone on the db performance tuning and is something that is constantly overlooked "hey, we use code first, we don't need a dba anymore" eghghgh!!!! mistake


[email protected]

Would definitely like to see the front and back end in totality. Thanks!


Do you get weird visual results with filters? Got it to work but the state is never applied and doesn't look like the material styles are either.


We are considering introducing SCSS for some universal items but as far as I know Zero uses LESS for themes and the angular cli doesn't support mixing OTB. Now I know we could make it work some additional build tasks or bundling but would like to hear from the Zero team on what the pros and cons would be in doing so.

My take is to use the theming engine as Zero has implemented with any theme related deviations in the actual themes or theme bundles using LESS. Some of the team has a preference for SCSS but I don't see the benefits of deviation just for the sake of including another preprocessor.

Something I was considering is converting all of the less files to scss files and using scss as the preprocessor but in future merges/updates would need to keep track of any changes to theme specific style changes and convert or just reconvert everytime we merge with the latest.

Are there any plans on the roadmap to use scss as the default over less?

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