I like to study the code on that link, but it seems no way for me to download/clone. Can you give me a hent how to do it?
It seems no "metronic" in my downloaded package. I then tried to download it by
It redirect me to https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/releases/download/v6.0.0/metronic_v5.5.5.zip, but shows "Not Found" on this site.
I am trying v6.2.1. After "yarn" on angular folder, while running "npm start", I got error:
91% additional asset processing scripts-webpack-plugin× 「wdm」: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '...\angular\src\assets\metronic\assets\vendors\base\vendors.bundle.js'
Is it a bug?
So, if I need to search a Forum number, directly modify url, instead of using the search box. Ok, it is acceptable to me.
I can use your way to search out the "Previous post". How long will that site exist?
I tried to search something on old Forum site, but got message of "Forum locked". I reach this site by "Support" link on the new home site.
I realized some old advanced features are not available here. For now, I need to search with a forum number (e.g. #27521), but it returns nothing. It was very helpful on the old Forum site, when I met a similar issues and tried to recall the solutions.
Is it possible to get that back on the new "support" screen?
I updated to “ASP.NET Core & Angular” v6.1.0, and trying it on development envirement. The core and Angular parts work fine, but the Public site seems something wrong.
I set both "web.Host" and "web.public" as startup projects. When I start the solution with chrome, the public site screen is ugly, looks like some themes or style sheets are not loaded. I click the "Login" on screen. it redirect me to localhost:4200. After I login with my own credential, it redirects me back to localhost:45776 showing my username on screen, which is correct, but the screen is frozed there.
I tried to start with microsoft edge. The public site screen is still ugly, This time I can't login with my own credential. I tried to use the built-in (admin/123qwe), it then asked me to change password.
Is it something wrong in your code, or on my side? Please advise.
It works! Thank you!
Just for curious, if I don't manually commit it, is it automatically committed at the method ending?
I think I need to learn more about the UnitOfWorkManager. Where can I find the documentation? Can you provide me a link?
Thanks again!
I encountered a new issue related this insert method.
I use "var id = await _repository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(obj); ". It does return a new id, however, the database seems not really updated. My code snippet is like:
var id = await _repository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(obj); Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = @"command"; proc.Start();
After inserting the obj, it triggers a Process with "command". The above Process should aggregate the whole obj table, but it actually always excludes the current inserted obj. For example, the MAX(id) is not the "new id", instead, it is always "new id - 1".
I also tried:
var id = await _repository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(obj); UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChanges();
but it's no help.
Does "await _repository.InsertAndGetIdAsync(obj); " immedietely updates the database? If not, when it does?
I noticed new 5.6 version released. Where do I get the detail instruction(code snip, configuration options, and so on) about the new features? Especially for OpenId, which I like to test it now.