Can anyone please assit me on this.... On first browse of the site using tenancy name (e.g., it does not resolve the tenant and shows the login page with the link "New Tenant"....
Regards, Mahendra
Basially the problem is;
if I browse the site using tenancy name say, the login page that is getting displayed shows a link "New Tenant" as if there are no tenant called "acme".
But surprisingly if I login to host and then go to tenant management and then select the tenant "acme" and say login as this tenant the system enters into the acme tenant. Now if I logout and then again browse the site saying then the login page shows the link "New Account" as if it found the tenant.
So the question is first time why it did not recognize the tenant?
Regards, Mahendra
Hi Support,
I am using ASPNetZero Angular Version. I have two deployment slots in my Aure. In Slot1 I have published the server and in slot2 I have published the Client.
Slot1: Client Custom Domain Mapping:, *
"remoteServiceBaseUrl": "", "appBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "remoteServiceGraphQLUrl": "",
Slot2: Server Custom Domain Mapping: No Custom Domain Mapping
Settings: "ClientRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "ServerRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}", "CorsOrigins": ",,,",
Are my settings correct? If yes, then when I browse the site using tenant say,, it opens up the host login page?
Please advise.
Regards, Mahendra
No, We have not written any custom filter.
Could you please guide us how can we debug this issue.
Kind Regards
How can I share the page code ? The page code is very lengthy and I cannot paste the whole code here. Is there any other alternative.
This has been fixed... I saw one of your support ticket having same problem (the bearer token was not getting passed in the request) So I added the HttpInterceptor in our module and it started getting called.
Regards, Mahendra
I had changed the startup as you suggested in your last email...
if (bool.Parse(_appConfiguration["IdentityServer:IsEnabled"]))
I am using ASPNetZero 8.0 with angular. I created a duplicate of
Web.Host\Controllers\UsersController.cs and Web.Core\Controllers\UsersControllerBase.cs
and created the following
Web.Host\Controllers\ImportExportController.cs and Web.Core\Controllers\ImportExportControllerBase.cs
The issue, I am facing is: If I have following attribute on an action in the Web.Host\Controllers\ImportExportController.cs [AbpMvcAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_Users_Create)]
My action never gets called and get the following error in Chrome developer console. GET http://localhost:22742/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FImportExport%2FImportFromExcel 404 (Not Found) ERROR HttpErrorResponse {headers: HttpHeaders, status: 404, statusText: "Not Found", url: "http://localhost:22742/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FImportExport%2FImportFromExcel", ok: false, …}
But if I don't have the above attribute then the action gets called. But in this case I always get AbpSession.UserId as null.
Please help
Regards, Mahendra
Hi, How can implement webhook with stripe payment subscription .