Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "tteoh"




Hi, I'm using MVC5AJ1.

What I'm trying to do is get a notification every time the table is Insert/Update/Delete/Truncate from Service Broker. And I found out this article: []) Therefore, I'm wondering how to inject SQL Dependency in ABP Framework.




I have create multiple menu in MpaNavigationProvider.cs.

But now the problem is : How can I control which menu to display at the different view? is it possible when a sub-menu is clicked, the page load and changes MainMenu to SecondMenu?


From abp documentation, it explained menu is generated automatically by the framework based on NavigationProvider object into JavaScript in the client side.

The intent is to create a menu item that execute a JavaScript function that opens up modal dialog box using Jquery UI or Bootstrap rather than url, which redirect to a new page.

How is this possible for MPA? Any code snippet is most appreciated.

Thanks. /tommy


Thanks for your ans.

@ ismcagdas

Thanks for your ans.

How can I get user object in ApplicationController? Because i need to manage user route to correct application which are SPA or MPA

@ ismcagdas Thanks for your reply.

Firstly, I need to tell for u know why I want to combined both is becuz I need using AngularJS Back End Single-Page Application and MVC Back End Multi-Page Application in my application. I wanted to do Single-Page Application and MVC Back End Multi-Page Application in one application is I hopefully they can cross assist. Example, they can using same authorization, same services.

In zero document has telling us, ASP.NET Zero solution contains four application.(<a class="postlink" href=""> ... plications</a>)

But why I can't founded 'Areas' folder in MVC5 Aj ?(<a class="postlink" href=""> ... -folders-1</a>)


Can I combined MVC5 Aj and MVC5 Jq in one project? And, If I combined both in one project will influence any problem to came out?? Becuz I wondering MVC5 Aj whether can cross assist with MVC5 Jq in one project. Example, can reused the MVC5 Aj's authorization in MVC5 Jq.


@ ismcagdas

Thanks you for reply . :D

I'm using MVC5 AJ1 platform.

I found this code in AppBundleConfig.cs: [attachment=0:2hf37p0e]Capture.PNG[/attachment:2hf37p0e]

This method is use to include all App folder with .js pattern right? Therefore, I'm wondering how to exclude specific .js files in App folder?

Thanks. /Tommy

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