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Activities of "xitix"

What is your product version? => v 7.2.0 What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? => Angular What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? => .net core

we wan to create metronic datatable like shown in below Link, Nowhere we found documentation or demo code for below datatable.


Please share sample MapBox code for beginner HTML ,TYPE Script with Marker and Other Attribute

Hi Mr. maliming,

I followed your suggestion as given in above answer, But again its giving same error.

and now its giving following error.

Can you kindly solve it by taking remote desktop.

I sent you mail for my teamviewer ID and password.


Kindly do the need ful,

Hi maliming,

Can u take my screen on teamviewer. Last time you solved by teamviewer.

Teamviewer Information sent on your email.


I followed your docs for creating permissiable menu use stuff but the menu is not available on Permission tree and menu is hidden too.

DTO Object : RequestLog : AssetAllReportPropDto[] = [];

[ { "assetID": "16821", "assetSrNo": "VBZL11571", "lastStrDateTime": "22 Aug 2019 09:02:22", "locationStatusTime": "12 Aug 2019 11:03:43", "duration": "9:22:08:19", "distance": "0.564", "mapStatus": "Check", "vsLocationStatusTime": "8/12/2019 11:03:43 AM", "contactNo": "0974500746", "isDeleted": false, "deleterUserId": null, "lastModifierUserId": null, "creationTime": "2019-08-22T07:12:07.492Z", "creatorUserId": null, "id": 0 } ]

{{RequestLog["AssetID"] }} this is not working.

Hello Mr. Maliming,

When I am cliking on Asset Sr No. as shown in below image. It redirect page with query string like this (http://localhost:4200/app/main/assetreports?AssetID=17142)

It is taking Query String Parameter values in onInit() funtion and printing as expected.

The problem is I have also called API in OnInit() method and it is calling API properly and getting data from database. but data is not being rendered on scree.

` ngOnInit(){

    this.href = this._router.url; 

    this.getAssetAllReports(); //This is calling web API

getAssetAllReports() : void {
        this.RequestLog = response.items; 

**HTML code : **


<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="customDiv">LEFT SIDE BAR {{AssetID}} 
            <!-- working area -->

    <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="customDiv">MAIN CONTENT AREA {{AssetID}}
            <!-- working area -->
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="customDiv">RIGHT SIDE BAR {{AssetID}}
            <!-- working area -->

Thank you so much Mr.Maliming. now It is working fine.

_Sorry to ask you new question in this series, But its makes me comfertable for future reference. _

Q : How to store/Cache previous page's JSON String to avoid DB call everytime coming back or clicking back button?

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